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Descrição da fotografia Ashade

Ashade Photography é um tema WordPress Premium minimalista e criativo para fotógrafos, criado no modo escuro. A Ashade Photography pode ajudá-lo a fazer seu próprio portfólio de fotos ou qualquer tipo de vitrine. Ashade Photography contém 18 layouts para galerias de fotos e sliders, home page mínima com ótimos recursos para mostrar tudo o que seu cliente precisa: seus trabalhos, seus dados de contato e ter a oportunidade de entrar em contato com você. E tudo isso em uma página simples. Além disso, a página inicial vem com 3 layouts: com fundo de vídeo, imagem estática e galeria de fotos com o efeito Ken Burns, que pode dar vida às suas fotos brilhantes.

O design moderno deste tema WordPress de fotografia manterá seu portfólio de fotos com aparência de tendência. Rolagem suave e transições de página criativas, design leve sem carregadores volumosos, controles de arrastar e soltar para controles deslizantes e galerias. Tudo isso e muito mais ajudará você a mostrar suas fotos incríveis para seus clientes em potencial de uma forma realmente profissional.

Este tema pode ser útil não apenas para fotógrafos como portfólio de fotos, mas também para qualquer tipo de vitrine de portfólio criativo onde você precisa mostrar visualmente o resultado do seu trabalho criativo. Pode ser seu portfólio de designer, portfólio de Game Studios ou site que demonstra seu novo videogame incrível e muito mais variantes de construção de vitrine criativa. Mesmo que você esteja procurando uma solução rápida para fazer um currículo criativo, CV ou Vcard – Ashade Photography pode te ajudar com isso!

Suporte WooCommerce
Suporte Elementor
Território de Clientes

Recursos de fotografia Ashade

  • Suporte WooCommerce
  • Importação de demonstração com um clique
  • Página de verificação do cliente
  • Shadow Core com widgets Elementor adicionais
  • Rolagem Suave
  • Transições de páginas criativas
  • Cursor interativo do mouse
  • Widget Antes/Depois para mostrar o processamento da sua foto
  • Página de manutenção
  • Plug-in do formulário de contato 7
  • Animações criativas
  • Galeria de grade justificada
  • Galeria de grade com 2 a 4 colunas
  • Galeria de alvenaria com 2 a 4 colunas
  • Galeria de grade ajustada com 2 a 4 colunas
  • Dois tipos de layout de grade de tijolos
  • Sliders de fotos em 3 layouts: Simples, Fade e com efeito Parallax
  • Fotografia de fita
  • Página de depoimentos
  • Código HTML limpo, válido e rápido
  • Todo o código está bem comentado
  • Retina pronta
  • Adotado para dispositivos móveis e sensíveis ao toque
  • Compatibilidade entre navegadores
  • Suporte amigável e atencioso

Antes Depois
Página de manutenção

Registro de alterações de atualizações

Aqui você pode encontrar informações sobre as atualizações e alterações mais recentes neste item.
Por favor, não se esqueça de fazer backup de todos os seus dados antes de qualquer atualização!

Versão 7.0 (2022.07.31)

- Fixed counter for Clients Filter;

- Added counter for mobile filter on Clients page;
- Added video support for Shadow Elements galleries;
- Added Slider Gallery widget to Shadow Elements;
- Added Kenburns Gallery widget to Shadow Elements;
- Added Ribbon Gallery widget to Shadow Elements;
- Added Posts Listing widget to Shadow Elements;
- Added Posts Grid widget to Shadow Elements;
- Added Posts Ribbon widget to Shadow Elements;
- Added Posts Slider widget to Shadow Elements;
- Added Gap options for Album Posts;
- Added Gap options for Albums Listing;
- Added Border Radius options for Album Posts;
- Added Border Radius options for Albums Listing;
- Added option to disable Lightbox for Grid galleries;
- Added option to disable Block Editor for Sidebar Widgets;
- Added alternative cover selection if Album post has no featured image;
- Added layout options for Albums Listing;
- Added default Grid listing for Album Categories;
- Added Elementor Content for Clients post;
- Added Open Graph options and "before </head>", "before " fields;

- Updated Shadow Core plugin to version 1.1

Versão 6.0 (2022.01.31)

- Fixed issue when there is a missing URL in the menu link;
- Fix of the double scrollbar on the Home Template without the smooth scroll while animate;
- Fixed issue with alpha-channel issue with Body Spotlight;
- Fixed Filter for Grid and Adjusted Client's gallery;
- Fixed issue with display hidden elements in Clients grid;
- Fixed issue with body_class() to resolve conflict with the Elementor PRO;
- Fixed issue with customizer headings color and Elementor headings;
- Fixed issue with Subtitle field in WordPress 5.9;

- Added: memorizing the position of the ribbon (for Albums Listing) and setting this position when returning to the page;
- Added option to display photos count for Clients Gallery;
- Added option to select which field to use with the image caption for Clients Gallery;
- Added possibility to use line breaks for intro text in Albums, Client Pages and Album Listing;

- Shadow Core plugin Update

Versão 5.0 (2021.04.28)

- Fixed issue with lost "Overhead" field
- Fixed issues with duplicate video in the Lightbox on mobile devices
- Fixed issue with sound from video when closing the Lightbox
- Fixed issue with not rendering video thumbnails in Grid layouts on mobile devices
- Fixed issue with Variable Product images display in WooCommerce
- Fixed hardcoded part in responsive.css. Moved to custom-css
- Fixed the "Home Template" background opacity option
- Fixed issue with opening sub-menus on mobile when the parent item is linked to some page
- Fixed: appearing of the mobile menu on Maintenance page when it is disabled
- Fixed "Spotlight" option for a single page
- Fixed the issue with a line in the page title in horizontal layout and centered page content

- CDN Support
- Added possibility to use alternative main menu for mobile devices
- Added support of Dash Icons on frontend
- Added unmute/mute button for video gallery with "Slider" and "Ribbon" layout
- Added option to adjust opacity and overlay for Albums with "Slider" layout
- Added option to change the width (boxed or fullwidth) for Grid Album Posts and Grid Albums Listings
- Added max-width for the Logo on mobile phones for auto-resize
- Added possibility to hide category labels for Albums Listings for the "Ashade Home" and "Ashade Albums Listing" templates
- Added possibility to change link colors for the "Home Template" 
- Added possibility to use a link on a whole item instead of just the "Explore Button" in the "Ribbon" layout of the Albums Listing
- Added option to display images instead of iFrames in Ribbon Gallery
- Added option to show "Next Album" link for Grid Album Posts (Global option)
- Added "Caption" option for Slider and Ribbon albums (Global and Local options)
- Added possibility to hide notification about "Recommended" plugins
- Added option to hide header on scroll down and shows on scroll up
- Added option to close the Lightbox with click to the overlay
- Added option to disable the additional "Smooth Scroll" for touch devices

- Immediate open the menu link on a tablet instead of "hover" simulation with the first touch
- Menu icon changed from font to SVG
- Improved script for Ribbon Gallery
- Optimized Smooth Scroll and Ribbon Scroll
- Shadow Core plugin update

Versão 4.1 (2020.12.12)

- Fixed grid columns for the landscape mobile layout
- Fixed product listing for the landscape mobile layout
- Fixed issue with the "Explore" button in Vertical Ribbon layout
- Fixed issue with the scroll to hash on #hash links
- Fixed issue with plus and minus buttons of quantity with no decimal prices in the Shopping Cart
- Fixed access to the context menu for some images on iPhone when the "Right Click Protection" is enabled
- Fixed: string translation for albums and client filters
- Fixed: error notice on the client page
- Fixed: Grammar and Spelling
- Fixed issue with dragging images through the background on pages with Home Template
- Fixed issues with the smooth scroll feature

- Added possibility to adjust the horizontal position of links in the Home Template

Versão 4.0 (2020.09.25)

- Fixed text label on mobile for aside bar, when "Use Text Label" enabled
- Fixed errors in Customizer
- Fixed showing empty lines, when contact data are not filled in Maintenance page
- Fixed extra symbols issue in head tag
- Fixed the size of large image in Bricks Gallery 1x2 to avoid image blurry
- Fixed WooCommerce responsive issues
- Fixed Home Template lines unload animation
- Fixed WooCommerce 4.4 item price line break in Shopping Cart
- Fixed issue with double filter for grid albums on mobile
- Fixed styles of Metaboxes on side panel
- Fixed "Add to Cart" button appearing for sold out product
- Fixed Page Title estado for Maintenance page
- Fixed an issue with album in Slider layout contain only the one image
- Fixed position of slides in Ribbon layout, when screen is wider than gallery
- Fixed issues with Page Title, Layout and "Back to Top" for Albums Listing
- Minor fixes and improvements

- Added possibility to hide main menu for Maintenance page
- Albums posts now got possibility to choose images direction to show: normal, reverse, random
- Added intro description alignment option for albums grid listing
- Added option to hide video on Home Template for mobile browsers
- Added "Sold" label for out of stock products
- Added "Fit" option for albums listing slider and slider galleries
- Added Video and Embed support for Grid Albums posts
- Added Video and Embed support for Masonry Albums posts
- Added Video and Embed support for Adjusted Albums posts
- Added Video and Embed support for Justified Albums posts
- Added Video and Embed support for Bricks Albums posts
- Added Video and Embed support for Ribbon Albums posts
- Added Video and Embed support for Slider Albums posts
- Added Possibility to use Lightbox in all Ribbon albums (not only medium)

- Shadow Core updated to 1.0.3
- Changed Back button script for 404 page
- For mobile phones in landscape orientation now showing 2 columns grid

Versão 3.0 (2020.06.10)

- Fixed calculation of Content height (when Admin bar is visible)
- Fixed styles of WP Block Embed
- Fixed image size on download and zoom for "Clients" posts.
- Fixed page reloading when scrolling in "Ribbon Vertical" galleries (for touch devices)
- Fixed issue with naming of links in Home Template when "Other Page" or "External Page" is chosen
- Fixed issue in "Grid" and "Adjusted" layouts for Home Template when works are shown
- Fixed responsive issues with login form (WooCommerce)
- Fixed checkboxes on WooCommerce forms
- Fixed issue in Product Loop with wrap last item in row to next row
- Fixed Select2 on WooCommerce Checkout page
- Fixed duplicate fields issue on WooCommerce Checkout page
- Fixed checkout blocks on Shopping Cart
- Fixed Header Cart counter when adding new product from Shop Loop
- Fixed issues with tabs on Single Product
- Fixed Upsells and Cross-Selling products
- Fixed comments issue on woocommerce page
- Fixed "Sell by one item" for "Shopping Cart" and "Add to Cart" button
- Fixed error, when product image is not found
- Minor fixes

- Added possibility to choose blog post preview image size: Small, Medium and Large
- Added og:image to use featured image when sharing page/post URL
- Added possibility to show Back to Top button on mobile layout. (For Vertical Layout)
- Added option for Home Template to choose how video will fit the screen
- Added comments support for grid albums (Grid, Masonry, Justified, Adjusted, Bricks)
- Added function to handle exceptions of links to fix issues with third party plugins using Child Theme
- Added option to choose columns for Cross-Selling products

- Improved compliance with Theme Checker Requirements
- Improved login and registration form for WooCommerce

Versão 2.0 (2020.04.21)

- Search field style in Safari 12.0.2
- Lazy Images Loading
- Fixed Video Background autoplay on iPhone
- Fixed Justified Gallery + Lazy Loading for Firefox
- Broken Grid in Dashboard
- Minor Fixes

- WooCommerce support
- Aside Toggler: Label option
- Header: Show background (Solid/Gradient) on scroll (for sticky header)
- Albums Listing: Order option
- Albums Listing: Category filter 
- Album Post: Back Button option
- Album Post: Elementor Support (for Grid layouts)
- Medium Ribbon Gallery: Lightbox support
- Home Template: Works ordering
- Home Template: Gallery background image ordering (normal, reverse, random)
- Client Page: estado Filter

- Responsive
- Navigation through Home Template
- Minor Improvements

Versão 1.1 (2020.02.18)

- Fixed Search field style in Safari
- Fixed IntersectionObserver for Safari 12.0.2
- Fixed contact button issue on Home Template
- Fixed Social Icons Size (when Icon style is selected)
- Fixed PSWP lightbox buttons
- Fixed PSWP lightbox image source for Grid Galleries
- Fixed Maintenance Page layout
- Fixed responsive issues for Horizontal Title Layout
- Minor fixes

- Added Social Icon Size option (when Icon style is selected)
- Added footer Social Icons Spacing option
- Added Zoom option for PSWP Lightbox
- Added Sticky Header option (to allow disable sticky header)
- Added possibility to set link to another page and external url instead only inner functional for Home Template

- Improved drag protection for blog
- Improved and fixed responsive issues

Veja em Themeforest Preço $39

plugins premium WordPress