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News365 – Blog de revista PHP Newspaper Script com jornal em vídeo - 1

News365 – é o roteiro de jornal mais popular e o tema de notícias mais poderoso | Tema do blog projetado e desenvolvido pela Codeigniter. É uma das ideias únicas no mundo das notícias. Cada agência de notícias e proprietário de portal de notícias pode usar este aplicativo. O usuário não precisa conhecer uma única linha de codificação. Em suma, todos os recursos de notícias e revistas estão incluídos neste aplicativo.

Links de demonstração:

Demonstração do site1:


Site Demo2:

Demonstração do site3:

Site Demo4:

Demo5 do site:

Site Demo6:

Site Demo7:

Site Demo8:

Site Demo9:

News365 – Blog de revista PHP Newspaper Script com jornal em vídeo - 2

Nosso feedback do cliente sobre o serviço:

News365 – Blog de revista PHP Newspaper Script com jornal em vídeo - 3

Principais recursos do News365:

  • Sistema de portal de notícias totalmente dinâmico
  • Revista Newsportal e Sistema de Blog
  • Alavanca de usuário de 4 níveis: administrador, administrador, escritor, moderador
  • Nenhum comentário de terceiros adicionado. temos nosso próprio sistema de comentários adicionado
  • Fácil de personalizar
  • Fácil de postar notícias e publicar
  • Design totalmente responsivo
  • 20+ Posição de anúncio
  • Design baseado em Bootstrap
  • Código novo e limpo
  • Sistema fácil de repórter de notícias
  • Todo o suporte ao navegador
  • Totalmente responsivo

News365 – Blog de revista PHP Newspaper Script com jornal em vídeo - 4

Por favor, aprecie nosso trabalho, dando seu feedback importante

As imagens não estão incluídas

Change Log: 07 January 2021 (Version 6.3)

1. Polling module added
2. Autoupdate module updated
3. Database backup option added
4. Redirect option added
5. Others setting added
6. News post-e SEO title added
7. Added New Theme

Change Log: 24 Sep 2020 (Version 6.1)
Complete SEO Solution
> Schema Generator
> Multiple Schema Add Option
> Post Keyword
> Image Alt Tag
> Image Resizing
> CSS and JS Code optimization
> Social Media Sharing
> Canonical tag
> Post Custom URL

Design Customization 
> color setting
> font setting  
> custom menu styling

> preloader active inactive option
> news ticker active inactive option

Change Log: 04 June 2020 (Version 6)
* Complete UI Changed and updated with all latest libraries
* New Two theme added
* Complete Admin UI changed to Bootstrap 4
* very fast loading now
* XSS, CSRF, Scripting, Security system added.
 Change Log: 11 Nov 2019 ( Version 4.4 )
* News Delete Problem is fixed from admin panel.
* Category page link up from the home page
* New and updated installer added
* Some Minor Changes 

  Change Log: 05 April 2018 ( Version 4.1 )
   **** We fixed the language file problem. now just follow this instruction ad copy the file to your existing file. New Version > news365_v4.1 > application > Controller > admin > language.php file replace.
      Change Log: 05 March 2018 ( Version 4.1 )
      * Image library had the problem to search image. It is fixed in this version
      * Archive had some Problem it is also fixed.
Change Log: 22 February 2018 ( Version 4 )
* 4 Level user system added. Administrator, admin, writer, comment moderator
* It becomes now 100% controlled system by user own
* own comment system added you can approve or deny
* pagination and date problem 1970 is fixed
* Release & Publish Date added
* writer auto approve and not auto-approve is added

Change Log: 20 August 2017
* Security System added.
* Modern Theme Has title problem is fixed now.
* Installer localhost issue fixed.
* Subscribe Option added.
* Live Analytics Added.
* Some array "[" issues is fixed based on servers.
* Facebook Based RSS Feed System added.
* Update problem is fixed.
* News Position at home page is fixed.
* Archive & Category page News Date 1947 is fixed.
Change Log: 1st March 2017
* Multi-Language Added
* Website and all device friendly ads enable or disable
* Sitemap System added
* RSS Feed Added
* XML System Added
* Page System added
* User Registration and login with Facebook & Google
* News List are shown now every time
* User Profile System updated
* Drag & Drop Menu adding System
* One user cannot edit or delete another user
* Demo data Delete options
* Submenu system added
* Empty ( ) function fixed
* 5th January 2017
* Added 3 Wonderful Theme
* Advertisement JS code Problem Fixed
* VK Social Media Added
* Super Admin post auto-approve
* Inside Post Image Responsive problem Fixed
* Polling PHP error Updated
* PHP 7 problem fixed. Now fully support at PHP 7
* Empty( ) Function problem fixed. Now will support at all server.
* array( ) Function added what will help to support at any server.
* Print button page fixed
* Footer copyright Now can add by yourself.
* Ci_ Session table Char-set UTF-8 fixed
* News delete Problem fixed.

* 15 December 2016
* Website Title Fixed and make it SEO friendly. 

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