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Plug-in FlipBook responsivo - 1

Plug-in FlipBook responsivo - 2

FlipBook WordPress

Crie qualquer FlipBook com facilidade. Vem com: estante, pop-up, zoom, extensão Print FlipBook, extensão PDF para FlipBook (as extensões precisam ser adquiridas separadamente), índice, capas duras, design plano, estilos personalizados, carregamento lento.

Dos criadores do FlipBook mais vendido de todos os tempos, apresentamos Plugin Responsivo FlipBook WordPress. É totalmente orientado a HTML e jQuery nenhum Flash Player necessário. Funciona em computadores e dispositivos móveis! Você obtém a mesma experiência em todas as plataformas porque o design responsivo faz com que pareça bom em todas as resoluções. Fácil de personalizar com um painel de administração avançado. Com a versão 2.0, ele foi totalmente reescrito do zero. Muito obrigado a 24beyond por nos deixar usar seus brochuras e maquetes de revistas!

Plug-in FlipBook responsivo - 3
Plug-in FlipBook responsivo - 4

Plug-in FlipBook responsivo - 5
Plug-in FlipBook responsivo - 6
Plug-in FlipBook responsivo - 7
Plug-in FlipBook responsivo - 8
Plug-in FlipBook responsivo - 9
Plug-in FlipBook responsivo - 10
Plug-in FlipBook responsivo - 11
Plug-in FlipBook responsivo - 12
Plug-in FlipBook responsivo - 13
Plug-in FlipBook responsivo - 14
Plug-in FlipBook responsivo - 15

Recursos do flipbook:

  • Design plano e limpo
  • editor de página WYSIWYG,
  • capas duras,
  • Carregamento de páginas em lote – crie facilmente livros com vários tons de páginas,
  • Fácil PDF para FlipBook – disponível com extensão separada,
  • 4 maquetes de livros em PSD,
  • 11 estilos predefinidos,
  • Gerador de Tabela de Conteúdo
  • Navegação por texto ou ícone
  • Modo tela cheia,
  • Flipbook pop-up,
  • recurso de estante,
  • Baseado em HTML e jQuery,
  • Responsivo e pronto para retina,
  • apresentação de slides,
  • Mostrar todas as páginas,
  • Configurações da pele de navegação: borda, cor, plano de fundo, raio, largura, preenchimento, margem e muito mais;
  • Configuração de alinhamento de navegação: superior, esquerda, direita, inferior;
  • Seleção de ícones para botões de navegação
  • suporte a WPML,
  • 2 Tabela de estilos de conteúdo
  • Código abreviado do índice
  • 5 Posições das setas de navegação
  • Recurso Livro sempre aberto – sem necessidade de criar capas
  • Adicionar link a uma página
  • Configurações de plano de fundo em tela cheia: cor de fundo + opacidade
  • Vários livros em uma única página,
  • Configuração fácil através do painel de administração avançado, sem necessidade de conhecimento de programação
  • Inserido em postagens/páginas por meio do assistente de shortcode, sem necessidade de copiar/colar
  • Páginas duplas,
  • Numeração automática de páginas com opções de exibição
  • Estilo de página fácil com HTML e CSS,
  • Funciona da mesma forma em computadores e dispositivos móveis,
  • Carregamento de imagens em lote,
  • Visualizar páginas no painel,
  • Configurações de importação/exportação,
  • Visualização em tela cheia,
  • Zoom de página única,
  • URL exclusivo para cada página,
  • Nenhum Flash Player necessário,
  • Desenho limpo e simples,
  • Livro redimensionável – reduz a escala para caber na resolução do dispositivo,
  • Ferramenta perfeita para apresentar conteúdo,
  • Suporte de teclado (use as setas para virar as páginas),
  • Um flip book por página (não domínio),
  • Todos os Shortcodes mapeados para o Visual Composer
  • 1000+ ícones,
  • Mais de 650 fontes do Google para títulos/conteúdo/paginação/tabela de conteúdo,
  • Bem documentado,

Registo de Alterações do FlipBook

26/08/2019 - Version 2.4.6
 - Each book & pages settings are loaded on demand in a back-end panel

 - Back-end panel performance, for a large number of books/pages, load time drop is dramatic
 - WordPress 5.2.2 support
 - PHP 7.3 support
 - WordPress coding standards
 - Voux theme compatibility
 - Motors theme compatibility
 - Enfold theme compatibility
 - WP Offload Media Lite plugin compatibility

 - Server timeout while loading a large number of books into panel
 - PHP notices index of undefined
 - Conflict with Voux theme images lazy load feature
 - Updater errors due to plugin directory name changed
 - WP Offload Media Lite images load from Amazon S3 on front-end
 - JS ace init error on new pages form load
 - JS errors on Edit Page while used with Motors theme
 - JS conflict with Gutenberg & Beaver Builder related to unescaped CSS styles


6/3/2019 - Version 2.4.5

  - WordPress 5.1 support
  - PHP 7.3 support
  - NewsMag theme compatibility

  - Hidden class replaced with fb-hidden
  - Hard covers resize on mobile issue
  - Book margin top on iOS devices
  - Fullscreen mode on NewsMag theme


14/2/2019 - Version 2.4.4
  - Compatibility with Avada theme Performance->Lazy Loading feature

  - Avada theme detection


7/2/2019 - Version 2.4.3
  - Automatic updates (purchase code needs to be added into Flip Books->License & Advanced Settings)

  - WordPress 5.0.3 support
  - PHP 7.2 support
  - BJ lazy load plugin compatibility
  - JetPack plugin compatibility
  - WP Fastest Cache plugin compatibility
  - Divi theme compatibility
  - Avada theme compatibility
  - NewsMag theme compatibility

  - Theme Cooperation Settings page with License & Advanced Settings

  - Timeout while trying to connect with
  - Z-index issue in fullscreen & pop-up mode for Divi, Avada & NewsMag themes
  - PHP Deprecated: Function create_function()
  - Media upload PHP 7.2 warning
  - Warning: Cannot modify header information
  - PHP Deprecated split() replaced with preg_split()
  - WP unregister_setting deprecated callback parameter
  - Flip Books Settings Color Picker button styles
  - Prevent book navigation icons from being overwritten too easily
  - System info correct plugin version no.
  - PHP 7.2 settings.php number variables type casting
  - WP Fastest Cache overwriting Flip Books settings panel CSS
  - Google Fonts data caching for Flip Books settings panel usage


16/11/2016 - Version 2.4
- IMPROVED: WordPress 4.6.1
- IMPROVED: Translations
- ADDED: Option to trigger Flipbook Pop-up by any button/link
- ADDED: Z-index reset option for elements covering Flipbook in Flip Books->Theme Cooperation Settings
- ADDED: Notification in options panel that "Zoom" requires enabled "Arrows" 
- FIXED: "Zoom" content mouse move/scroll glitch
- FIXED: Flipbook now exits correctly from "Fullscreen" mode
- FIXED: "Fullscreen" button is shown again on browser resize


15/06/2016 - Version 2.3.1
- FIXED: Mobile display on small screens
- FIXED: Mobile bottom navigation display
- FIXED: Hard Covers positioning
- FIXED: Slideshow skipping pages
- FIXED: Rare PHP warnings
- FIXED: Batch import without thumbnails
- FIXED: Panel preloader lock
- FIXED: Firefox display quality


08/03/2016 - Version 2.3


12/02/2016 - Version 2.2
- NEW FEATURE: Mobile zoom
- NEW FEATURE: Lazy load for images
- ADDED: System condição pages
- ADDED: Book shelf titles
- IMPROVED: Localization files
- FIXED: Small panel issues
- FIXED: Empty image background display


28/01/2016 - Version 2.1.4
- IMPROVED: WordPress 4.4.1 support
- IMPROVED: Visual Composer 4.9.2 support
- IMPROVED: Localization files
- FIXED: Extensions notifications
- FIXED: Download issue at some servers


08/11/2015 - Version 2.1.3
- ADDED: Fullscreen without browser toolbar
- IMPROVED: Visual Composer 4.8.1 support
- FIXED: Hard Covers position with top navigation
- FIXED: IE9 navigation issue
- FIXED: Some CSS fixes and glitches
- FIXED: Unexpected checkbox in panel
- FIXED: Navigation order of buttons / missing buttons issue
- FIXED: Google Fonts issue at some servers
- FIXED: Extensions information issue


31/08/2015 - Version 2.1.2
- IMPROVED: Visual Composer 4.7 support


10/06/2015 - Version 2.1.1
- IMPROVED: Panel Performance
- FIXED: Panel issue at Safari 7
- FIXED: Protocol issue in Extensions panel
- FIXED: Table of Content index
- FIXED: Possible conflict with other plugins related to Menu position
- FIXED: Zoom Icon at low resolutions


15/05/2015 - Version 2.1.0
- NEW FEATURE: Page Turn Sounds
- NEW FEATURE: Download Button
- NEW FEATURE: Extensions Panel
- NEW FEATURE: Page Linking functionality
- IMPROVED: WordPress 4.2.2
- IMPROVED: Performance
- IMPROVED: Compability with Themes & Plugins
- IMPROVED: Code Optimization
- IMPROVED: Mobile Zoom with Touch
- FIXED: Feature Image issue
- FIXED: Mobile Page display
- FIXED: Icons display with some themes
- FIXED: Main Navigation display for Force Open
- FIXED: Aside Navigation centering
- FIXED: 1px Gap between pages
- FIXED: IE9 margin issue


20/04/2015 - Version 2.0
- NEW FEATURE: 4 New PSD Book Mockups
- NEW FEATURE: 9 Predefined Book / UI Styles
- NEW FEATURE: Bookshelf Shortcode
- NEW FEATURE: Popup Shortcode
- NEW FEATURE: All Shortcodes mapped for Visual Composer
- NEW FEATURE: Hard Covers
- NEW FEATURE: Navigation Style Wizard with predefined styles
- NEW FEATURE: Navigation Settings: border, font, size, color, radius, padding, margins and much more
- NEW FEATURE: Text Navigation
- NEW FEATURE: Four Navigation Positions ( bottom, top, aside left, aside right )
- NEW FEATURE: Navigation Compact Mode
- NEW FEATURE: Left & Right Arrow can be grouped with Navbar
- NEW FEATURE: Icon Select for Navigation Buttons
- NEW FEATURE: 1000+ Icons Integrated
- NEW FEATURE: Automatic Page numeration with display options
- NEW FEATURE: 650+ Google Fonts for Headings / Content / Pagination / Table of Content
- NEW FEATURE: Second Style for Table of Content
- NEW FEATURE: Always Open option, no need to display book cover
- NEW FEATURE: WYSIWYG editor for HTML content
- NEW FEATURE: Two WYSIWYG editors for double pages
- NEW FEATURE: Table of Content generator
- NEW FEATURE: Page Title for Table of Content generator
- NEW FEATURE: Fullscreen background settings: color & opacity
- NEW FEATURE: Page can link to custom hyperlink
- NEW FEATURE: Drag & Drop Sortable for pages
- NEW FEATURE: Slide Show Speed Setting
- NEW FEATURE: Automatic Book Naming
- IMPROVED: Page Previews
- IMPROVED: WordPress 4.1 compatibility
- IMPROVED: Multisite Support
- IMPROVED: Front-end Performance
- IMPROVED: Back-end Performance
- IMPROVED: Options Panel Rewrite
- IMPROVED: PO Translations
- IMPROVED: Browsers Support
- IMPROVED: Grid Page View
- IMPROVED: Show All Pages Rewrite
- IMPROVED: Zoom Feature
- IMPROVED: Navigation elements sorting, now with drag & drop
- IMPROVED: Import / Export
- IMPROVED: Batch Images Import
- IMPROVED: New Media Uploader
- IMPROVED: Mobile & Responsive behavior
- IMPROVED: Novo Documentation
- FIXED: Slide Show Looping
- FIXED: Zoom Scrolling
- FIXED: Zoom Fading Issue
- FIXED: Zoom Scaling
- FIXED: Show All Pages alignment & display
- FIXED: HTML Book Styling
- FIXED: Background Image Alignment
- FIXED: WP Themes Integration
- FIXED: First Book Creation Issue
- FIXED: Page Order Issue
- FIXED: Color Picker
- FIXED: Removing Books Issue
- FIXED: Page Preview Display
- FIXED: Bulk Upload Display Issue
- FIXED: Display issues in Front-end
- FIXED: Other small issues


24/04/2014 - Version 1.3.3
- WordPress 3.9 compatibility
- panel improvements


02/09/2013 - Version 1.3.2
- fixed fatal error on some servers


30/08/2013 - Version 1.3.1
- import/export fixed


28/08/2013 - Version 1.3
- rewrited parts of Flip Books Panel,
- fixed max_imput_vars issues,
- added page custom CSS,
- added IE8 support,
- added batch image upload,
- added import/export settings,
- added page preview in panel,
- added fullscreen mode,
- added zoom out button,
- minor fixes and improvements.


22/04/2013 - Version 1.2.8
- fixed adding new pages.


18/04/2013 - Version 1.2.7
- fixed thumbnails preview,
- fixed links on pages.


06/03/2013 - Version 1.2.6
- zip currepted fixed,
- path fix.


05/03/2013 - Version 1.2.5
- thumbs fix.


04/03/2013 - Version 1.2.4
- IE fix,
- bug fixes.


10/01/2013 - Version 1.2.3
- last page bug fix,
- shadow behavior fixed,
- arrows behavior fixed,
- mobile appearance improved,
- book position fix.


18/12/2012 - Version 1.2.2
- html content columns fix,
- html content fix,
- ESC zoom out fix,
- arrows navigation on zoom added.


12/12/2012 - Version 1.2.1
- wp 3.5 bug fix


7/12/2012 - Version 1.2
- admin panel fixes,
- zoom bug fix,
- next arrow bug fix,
- many minor bug fixes.


21/11/2012 - Version 1.1.1
- admin panel bug fix


09/11/2012 - Version 1.1
- zoom upgrade,
- admin panel bug fix,
- responsive fix,
- auto deleting books fix,
- minor bug fixes,
- admin panel functionality improvements,
- admin panel design improvements.


18/05/2012 - Version 1.0
- release

Por que comprar de nós?

  • nós atualizar nossos itens em bases diárias,
  • temos mais de 18.000 clientes satisfeitos,
  • nosso flip book anterior é o segundo item mais vendido no ActiveDen sempre,
  • nós damos tanto Apoio, suporte como nós podemos,
  • Nós estamos disponível para trabalhos freelance,

Adições usadas

  • Turn.js
  • cor jQuery
  • jQuery DoubleTap

Precisa de suporte?

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