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Reales WP é um tema imobiliário premium WordPress com um design moderno, limpo, intuitivo e totalmente responsivo, que fica perfeito em tablets ou telas de celulares de qualquer tamanho. Ele é carregado com muitos recursos como envio e edição de propriedades front-end, pesquisa avançada de preenchimento automático, integração com o Google Maps, filtro de propriedades avançadas, códigos de acesso úteis, cores personalizadas, login com contas do Facebook e Google, registro de agentes front-end, adicionar propriedades a favoritos e muito mais.

Reales WP - Tema WordPress de imóveis - 1

Reales WP - Tema WordPress de imóveis - 2

Reales WP - Tema WordPress de imóveis - 3

Reales WP - Tema WordPress de imóveis - 4

Reales WP - Tema WordPress de imóveis - 5

Reales WP - Tema WordPress de imóveis - 6

Credenciais de usuário de demonstração

nome de usuário: usuário de teste

senha: 123456

Recursos detalhados do Reales WP

  • Design moderno, limpo e intuitivo
  • Totalmente responsivo
  • HTML5 e CSS3
  • Baseado na estrutura Bootstrap 3
  • Retina pronta
  • Documentação incluída
  • Fácil de personalizar
  • Compatível com vários navegadores
  • Marcação HTML5 válida
  • Google Maps personalizado integrado
  • Animações CSS3 exclusivas
  • Suporte para tocar e deslizar
  • Pesquisa de preenchimento automático
  • Integração com Google Maps
  • Filtro de propriedades avançadas
  • Cores personalizadas
  • Faça login com Facebook e Google
  • Registro de front-end como agente
  • Envio de propriedade front-end
  • Edição de propriedade de front-end
  • Compatibilidade do plug-in WPML
  • Compatibilidade com Slider Revolution (opcional, o tema não vem com o plugin)
  • Controle deslizante personalizado
  • Google mapeia pontos de interesse
  • Lista de cidades personalizadas
  • Vídeo no cabeçalho da página
  • Sistema de classificação de agentes
  • Planos de associação e pagamento por listagem (PayPal)
  • Adicionar propriedade à lista de favoritos
  • Suporte multilíngue
  • Galeria de fotos de propriedades personalizadas
  • Definir postagem do blog como destaque
  • Apresentação de slides personalizada da página inicial
  • Comodidades ilimitadas geradas pelo administrador
  • Atribuir agente a uma propriedade
  • Preencher automaticamente cidade e bairro
  • Categorias e tipos de propriedades ilimitadas
  • Controle total sobre a posição dos pinos no mapa
  • Adicione agentes da área administrativa e atribua usuário
  • Adicione o avatar do agente e informações de contato
  • Definir agente como destaque
  • Adicionar depoimentos
  • Alterar a posição da barra lateral
  • Definir número de propriedades por página
  • Mostrar propriedades semelhantes na página de propriedades
  • Mostrar artigos relacionados na postagem do blog
  • Ativar/desativar a barra lateral de visualização do aplicativo
  • Definir detalhes de contato para a página de contato
  • Definir texto de direitos autorais do rodapé
  • Defina a legenda do cabeçalho da página inicial com botão de call to action
  • Definir área de destaque da página inicial
  • Mostrar o cabeçalho da página inicial como apresentação de slides ou mapa interativo
  • Definir símbolo de moeda
  • Definir a posição do símbolo monetário
  • Definir valor máximo de preço para filtro de propriedades
  • Definir unidade de medida para área
  • Definir valor máximo de área para filtro de propriedades
  • Ativar/desativar login do Facebook, login do Google, registrar usuários como agentes, registrar usuário no front-end
  • Compatibilidade do plugin dsIDXpress (o plugin dsIDXpress é opcional)
  • Códigos de acesso úteis
    • Serviços
    • Propriedades recentes
    • Propriedades em destaque
    • Propriedade única
    • Agentes em destaque
    • Depoimentos
    • Colunas
    • Últimas postagens do blog
    • Postagens de blog em destaque
    • Planos de Sócios
  • Widgets personalizados
    • Contato Reales WP
    • Agentes em destaque do Reales WP
    • Propriedades em destaque do Reales WP
    • Reales WP Propriedades Listadas Recentemente
    • Reales WP Redes Sociais
    • Formulário de pesquisa de propriedades Reales WP
  • Modelos de páginas personalizadas
    • Página de contato
    • Lista de Agentes
    • Propriedades favoritas
    • Largura completa
    • Minhas propriedades
    • Resultados da pesquisa de propriedades
    • Enviar propriedade
    • Lista de depoimentos
    • Conta de usuário
  • E mais…


v2.1.2 19 de julho de 2022

CHANGED price format from money_format to number_format, this being supported by all PHP versions (this change is adding new options -- Price Decimal Separator and Price Thousands Separator -- in Appearance > Reales WP Settings > General Settings)
FIXED other minor compatibility issues

v2.1.1 23 de março de 2021

FIXED an issue that prevented gogole maps to function properly
FIXED an issue that prevented adding property photos in admin dashboard
FIXED compatibility issues with newer versions of WordPress

v2.1 – 02 de março de 2019

FIXED issue with some property images not loading
FIXED property type label on map infobox(single property pages)
FIXED amenities icons alignment on single property pages
FIXED sort properties button alignment
NEW design option for property cards
NEW option for having a default estado for property search results filter as expanded/collapsed
NEW design option for properties list shorcodes 
NEW carousel functionality option for properties list shorcodes 
NEW areas shortcode
NEW option to display the property price on the map marker
NEW mortgage calculator
NEW design options for the homepage search form
NEW design option for agent cards
NEW search functionality for agents list
NEW option for setting number of agents per page
NEW full width page template for agents list
NEW demos
NEW blocks to support visual editing of themes's shortcodes when using Gutenberg editor (WordPress 5.x)

v2.0 – 05 de setembro de 2018

FIXED property shortcodes type label position for long text
FIXED Facebook login
FIXED results page title alignment on mobile view
UPDATED Simple Line Icons web font
NEW visual edit and view of shortcodes in page content editor
NEW searchable icons list for amenities
NEW default image for properties with no image
NEW option for different label colors for property types
NEW theme option for different map position (left/right) on results page
NEW option for map/list display on mobile view

v1.0.9 – 01 de agosto de 2018

FIXED map infobox close button
FIXED browse images button issue on Firefox
FIXED report property activation from theme settings
FIXED map infobox display 
FIXED edit property by checking current agent
FIXED other minor issues
UPDATED FontAwesome web font
NEW interval field type to Property Custom Fields
NEW theme setup wizard in theme settings

v1.0.8 – 03 de julho de 2016

FIXED map toggle action
FIXED get marker position by address on Submit property page
FIXED CSS style for dsIDXpress plugin premium accounts
FIXED amenities on search
FIXED the error message (agent needs a rating) that shows when comment on a property page
FIXED duplicate agent bug
NEW Optima Express compatibility
NEW edit slides for homepage custom slider
NEW confirmation modal dialog when deleting a property
NEW search properties by keywords field
NEW header video cover when video not supported by devices

v1.0.7 – 29 de abril de 2016

FIXED single property display with no agent
FIXED map toggle on mobile
FIXED terms and conditions verification on signup form
FIXED Google getCurrentLocation for non https websites 

v1.0.6 – 16 de abril de 2016

FIXED homepage redirect after sign in
FIXED amenities issues with WPML
FIXED google map requests when using WPML with multiple domains
FIXED optimization for image thumbnails of properties list (this improves the load speed)
FIXED left sidebar display when map is disabled
FIXED single property shortcode responsiveness
FIXED search when city/neighbourhood contains apostrophes
FIXED map load and display on mobile
REMOVED the sidebar widget area in Account Settings page in front-end
NEW map Points of Interest
NEW option for using video in page header
NEW single property print page option
NEW the posibility to include custom fields in search and filter forms
NEW agency field to the agent
NEW rating system for agents
NEW icons for amenities
NEW option to display city search field in header
NEW option to define a list of cities
NEW footer in map/content spit view
NEW Terms and Conditions on register
NEW custom slider on homepage
NEW report button on properties
NEW default image on map infobox for IDX properties
NEW space before price label
NEW option to allow an agent to post properties regardless of payment method
NEW register as agent after signin as normal user (facebook and google included)
NEW Membership plan column in admin > Agents section 

v1.0.5 – 30 de dezembro de 2015

FIXED search results for properties with no featured_property meta
FIXED homepage city field dropdown position
FIXED property price decimals issue
FIXED save agent description in front-end
FIXED display of bedrooms/bathrooms/area when one of them is empty
FIXED Sort By dropdown when one of the fields is not used
FIXED WPML plugin issues
UPDATED recaptcha API to the latest version
UPDATED Open Sans font family
NEW option for free membership plan
NEW multiple markers for same location
NEW Google maps themes
NEW property category and type to the properties widgets
NEW save search feature in properties search results page
NEW custom css option
NEW option for disable Google maps
NEW single property shortcode
NEW sortable feature for property gallery images
NEW property ID field
NEW limit number of uploading photos from front-end
NEW notifications settings
NEW Agents list page template
NEW Testimonials list page template
NEW Favourites metric on properties list in admin
NEW LinkedIn share button on blog posts and properties
NEW property price decimals option

v1.0.4 – 05 de novembro de 2015

FIXED the homepage CTA button action
FIXED the duplication of the required pages after changing the title 
FIXED Type field in submit property when mandatory
FIXED the icons list in services shortcode window
FIXED the top menus on mobile devices
FIXED the geolocation when the browser cannot get the user location
FIXED search submit when Enter key is pressed
FIXED price display when a property has no price
FIXED the contact forms
FIXED dsIDXpress listings display on mobile
FIXED minor WordPress 4.3 compatibility issues
NEW favicon theme option
NEW search properties widget
NEW Google captcha option for contact forms
NEW type and category options for properties shortcodes
NEW WPML plugin compatibility
NEW select box as property custom field type
NEW custom fields order option
NEW Slider Revolution support
NEW membership plans and pay per listing (PayPal)
NEW membership prices table shortcode
NEW increased visibility of featured properties
NEW child theme
NEW option for number of services displayed by services shortcode
NEW rich text editor to agent page (NOTE: for those who are updating the theme, please make sure you update the agent’s description)
NEW multiple image selection in property photo gallery
NEW price as optional field (NOTE: for those who are updating the theme, please make sure you enable the front-end property submission page price field from the theme options in admin under Property Fields section)
NEW price format option
NEW the homepage map gets all available properties

v1.0.3 – 01 de maio de 2015

FIXED xxx undefined function in favourite_properties.php
FIXED login with social accounts
FIXED css delivery optimization
NEW mandatory option to the property custom fields
NEW dsIDXpress plugin compatibility (dsIDXpress plugin is optional)
NEW email notification for admin when agent is submitting a property
NEW email notification for agent when property is approved
NEW pages/homepage images/slideshow shadow layer opacity option
NEW change pin position by address option
NEW option to make property fields on front-end property submission page optional and mandatory (NOTE: for those who are updating the theme, please make sure you enable the front-end property submission page fields from the theme options in admin under Property Fields section)
NEW search form submission on homepage by pressing enter key
NEW zoom action on property carousel images
NEW support for video background on homepage header
NEW option for the homepage map to get the position of user or the default position
NEW front-end submission page bathrooms field incrementation by 0.5
UPDATED the theme regarding the XSS vulnerability

v1.0.2 – 07 de abril de 2015

FIXED array errors for older php versions
FIXED map infobox close buton on touch devices
FIXED minor map issues
FIXED map infobox position relative to marker
FIXED property type label when no type choosen
FIXED register as agent functionality
FIXED powered by google image on autocomplete fields
FIXED money_format php function for servers that don't have support
FIXED reply-to email address
ADDED 'sq.m' and 'sq.ft' strigns to language file
NEW breadcrumbs
NEW property title/url inside the email body received by an agent
NEW search form customization
NEW map zoom controls
NEW Latest Blog Posts shortcode
NEW phone number field in contact agent form
NEW properties sorting on properties search results
NEW google street view to map
NEW video support on single property carousel gallery
NEW property floor plans
NEW properties filter customization for fields
NEW default map zoom option
NEW number of properties option displayed by shortcodes
NEW number of services option displayed by shortcode
NEW featured blog posts shortcode
NEW number of agents option displayed by shortcode
ADDED demo content xml file

v1.0.1 – 05 de março de 2015

FIXED minor bugs
FIXED properties images best fit
FIXED top white space for non-admin users
FIXED properties shortcodes with very long titles
FIXED left side menu items with long text
NEW delete/edit the default categories and types for properties
NEW property description as html content
NEW custom properties fields defined by admin
NEW review properties by admin before publish (this is optional)
NEW property latitude/longitude editable fields

v1.0 – 20 de fevereiro de 2015

Initial Release

Veja em Themeforest Preço $39

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