Veja em Themeforest Preço $59

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Vega é um tema WordPress limpo e minimalista para fotografia, criativo, portfólio e qualquer site relacionado a fotografia criativa. Construído com a mais recente tecnologia WordPress. O Vega oferece suporte ao layout responsivo para que fique ótimo em todos os dispositivos. Possui estilo predefinido para trabalhos fotográficos, criativos e designs que podem ser importados com um clique.


  • Design minimalista e elegante pode ser usado para qualquer portfólio, fotografia ou site criativo
  • Design Responsivo que se adapta a dispositivos móveis (iPhone, iPad)
  • Desative recursos responsivos com um clique em seu back-end
  • Gráficos de alta resolução prontos para retina, ultra nítidos
  • O Content Builder permite que você crie fotografias de imagens de galeria de vários layouts usando a interface de usuário de arrastar e soltar
  • Navegação fora da tela
  • Navegação vertical exclusiva e conteúdo horizontal
  • 11 Galeria Diferentes layouts de galeria para exibir trabalhos fotográficos
  • Conteúdo de Portfólios Filtráveis
  • Apresentação de slides em tela cheia para a Galeria de fotos, para que a fotografia fique impressionante em uma tela maior
  • Portfólio Ilimitado e Páginas de Galeria
  • Tradução pronta com arquivos mp/po
  • Suporte de plug-in WPML para Multi Idiomas
  • Suporte de música para página inicial e páginas
  • Galeria protegida por senha Suporte para ajudar a proteger seu conteúdo fotográfico
  • Imagem Comentários da Galeria Apoiar
  • Extenso administrador de galerias. Apoiar upload de várias imagens
  • Conteúdo de página estático, modelos de tela cheia e imagem de fundo estática
  • Suporte a perfis de mídia social
  • Fontes da Web do Google instaláveis
  • Mais de 300 fontes prontas para usar o Google Web Fonts
  • Compressão CSS e javascript apoiar
  • Personalize facilmente as cores dos elementos usando o seletor de cores
  • Tipografia estilizada e colunas de página flexíveis
  • Construídas em Muitos códigos de acesso
  • Códigos de acesso de estilo ex. capitulo etc.
  • Códigos de acesso da coluna ex. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 colunas
  • Plug-in de gerador de código curto embutido
  • Suporte de tipo de postagem personalizado para galerias, portfólios
  • Suporte de menu personalizado do WordPress
  • Livre Atualizações de tema e suporte
  • Integração com Facebook, Twitter e Google+
  • barra lateral ilimitada. Crie e selecione a barra lateral para cada uma da sua página!
  • Página de contato com validação e suporte do Google Maps em tela cheia
  • Extensa documentação do tema
  • Atualizações vitalícias gratuitas e suporte
  • Tema infantil suporte para personalização avançada que não é afetada por atualizações futuras do tema
  • Suporte ao plug-in WP Supercache

Log de alterações

= V5.3,1 – 21.08.2022 =
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.5.31

= V5.3 – 22.09.2021 =
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.5.8
* Fix the error with PHP 7.4+ 

= V5.2 – 05.09.2021 =
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.5.7

= V5.1 – 31.07.2021 =
* Fix gallery backend text overflow issue

= V5.0 – 25.07.2021 =
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.5.5
* Test and support WordPress 5.8

= V4.9 – 30.10.2020 =
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.2.23
* Add support HTTPS website
* Fix comment and WooCommerce comment form design & layout

= V4.8 – 12.08.2020 =
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.2.20
* Fix javascript error with WordPress 5.5

= V4.7 – 12.08.2020 =
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.2.18
* Fix content builder saving issue with WordPress 5.5
* Add support for WordPress 5.5

= V4.6- 07.06.2020 =
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.2.12

= V4.5- 11.08.2019 =
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v6.0.9

= V4.4 - 07.05.2019 =
* Fix background header image issue for some customer server settings
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v5.4.8.3

= V4.3 - 08.12.2018 =
* Fix content builder disappear issue with WordPress v5.0
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v5.4.8.1

= V4.2 - 18.05.2018 =
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v5.4.7.2
* Fix portfolio video issue when using HTTPS

= V4.1 - 20.04.2018 =
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v5.4.7.2
* Fix https site loading issue
* Fix strings translation issue on gallery proofing template

= V4.0.1 - 29.06.2017 =
* Fix PHP7 error on archive page

= V4.0 - 28.06.2017 =
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v5.4.5.1
* Fully test & support WordPress 4.8
* Fix photo proofing issue on PHP7 when approved image is empty
* Fix Google Font issue on https site
* Fix popular posts widget issue with WPML plugin

= V3.9 - 05.14.2017 =
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v5.4.1
* Update FontAwesome icon font to v4.7.0

= V3.8 - 17.12.2016 =
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v5.3.1.5

* Fix portfolio templates error message on PHP7
* Fix notice error on PHP7
* Remove horizontal gallery items limitation option in content builder

= V3.7 * 06.10.2016 =
* Fix theme admin issue slider on WordPress 4.6.1

= V3.6.1 * 27.09.2016 =
* Fix theme setting layout issue on WordPress 4.6+

= V3.6 - 08.07.2016 =
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v5.2.6
* Update font awesome v4.6.3
* Fix Google Maps NoAPIKey error from some customer server

= V3.5 - 19.06.2016 =
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v5.2.5.4
* Fix Facebook profile/page URL label in theme setting

= V3.4 - 11.05.2016 =
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v5.2.5.1
* Fix script loading issue when using child theme

= V3.3 - 21.03.2016 =
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v5.2.3.5
* Add option to download each image option in photo proofing page
* Add option to display approved, rejected in photo proofing page

= V3.2 - 09.03.2016 =
* Add latin-ext support to Google Font
* Add client galleries and password protected features
* Add new metro gallery template
* Add gallery photo proofing template with comment support
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v5.2.1

= V3.1 - 01.02.2016 =
* Fix gallery flow template lightbox issue
* Fix drop cap shortcode issue when using cyrillic characters
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v5.1.6

= V3.0 - 01.01.2016 =
* Fix comment date translation issue
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v5.1.5

= V2.9.9 - 30.12.2015 =
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v5.1.4
* Fix gallery images sorting options issue

= V2.9.8 - 13.11.2015 =
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v5.1.1

= V2.9.7 - 17.10.2015 =
* Fix photo wall module lightbox navigation display issue
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v5.0.9

= V2.9.6 - 04.09.2015 =
* Fix gallery flow issue when set as homepage gallery

= V2.9.5 - 02.09.2015 =
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v5.0.6
* Fix image alt tag issue on gallery templates

= V2.9.4 - 19.08.2015 =
* Fix widget notice messages in WordPress 4.3
* Update Revolution Slider plugin v5.0.4.1

= V2.9.3 - 15.08.2015 =
* Add Bechance social option
* Update FontAwesome icon font to v4.4.0

* Fix two_third_last shortcode display issue

= V2.9.2 - 07.08.2015 =
* Fix hide page title option issue on gallery columns templates
* Update revolution slider plugin v5.0.1
* Update revolution slider plugin documentation

= V2.9.1 - 27.07.2015 =
* Fix Flickr widget incorrectly add its images to gallery lightbox slideshow

= V2.9 - 24.07.2015 =
* Fix blog category header background image issue

= V2.8 - 15.07.2015 =
* Fix parallax scrolling effect issue with the latest version of Chrome/Window

= V2.7 - 13.07.2015 =
* Fix shop product page layout issue on tablet and mobile
* Fix cart icon alignment issue on mobile

* Improve parallax background on mobile
* Add gallery flow template

= V2.6 - 07.07.2015 =
* Fix multiple horizontal galleries display issue

= V2.5 - 06.07.2015 =
* Fix auto update issue, temporary disable auto update feature due to invite server downtime issue

= V2.4 - 26.06.2015 =
* Fix blog grid’s author name display issue

= V2.3 - 19.06.2015 =
* Fix contact form issue when using with cache plugin for some customers

= V2.2 - 15.06.2015 =
* Fix page background image issue with blog full width template

= V2.1 - 02.06.2015 =
* Fix content builder saving issue for some customers with WordPress 4.2+

= V2.0 - 22.05.2015 =
* Add Woocommerce plugin support for shopping cart
* Add mega menu support
* Add option to remove link to single image page

* Fix parallax background image bouncing issue when scrolling

= V1.5 - 13.05.2015 =
* Add Yoast SEO plugin compatibility with content builder
* Update revolution slider plugin v4.6.93

= V1.4 - 25.04.2015 =
* Fix pinterest sharing thumbnail issue

= V1.3.18 - 24.04.2015 =
* Update revolution slider plugin v4.6.9
* Fix sidebar notice message issue for WordPress 4.2
* Fix content builder content loss for some users and improve content builder modules visibilities

= V1.3.17 - 07.04.2015 =
* Fix portfolio template filter by portfolio category display incorrect portfolio items

= V1.3.16 - 27.03.2015 =
* Fix gallery archive display issue when disable loading animation option

= V1.3.15 - 26.03.2015 =
* Fix portfolio pagination issue

= V1.3.14 - 25.03.2015 =
* Fix hide page title option not working on gallery archive template

= V1.3.13 - 23.03.2015 =
* Fix contact form captcha issue when using child theme

= V1.3.12 - 19.03.2015 =
* Fix portfolio templates issue with WPML plugin
* Fix 404 error page background issue

= V1.3.11 - 11.03.2015 =
* Fix hide page title option issue on portfolio templates

= V1.3.10 - 10.03.2015 =
* Fix missing icon and thumbnails in theme admin when using child theme

= V1.3.9 - 05.03.2015 =
* Fix image caption display issue using gallery shortcode

= V1.3.8 - 02.03.2015 =
* Add auto update to theme admin

= V1.3.7 - 24.02.2015 =
* Fix image lightbox issue with image dragging prevention
* Fix gallery slider first image height issue

= V1.3.6 - 09.02.2015 =
* Fix contact map issue on Firefox
* Fix fullscreen slideshow menu hidden issue on mobile

= V1.3.5 - 30.01.2015 =
* Fix gallery archive category option issue in edit page
* Fix long gallery image caption display issue
* Fix Image One Half Fullwidth module display issue on mobile

= V1.3.4 - 26.01.2015 =
* Fix gallery grid, wall, masonry, classic display issue on Firefox when hide gallery title option is enabled

= V1.3.3 - 24.01.2015 =
* Fix blog grid excerpt text issue when using content builder
* Fix blog grid responsive layout issue on mobile
* Fix blog grid featured image link issue
* Fix parallax background issue on tablet & mobile

* Add disable slideshow hover effect option for gallery archive
= V1.3.2 - 16.01.2015 =
* Fix contact map display issue
* Fix 500px social profile title issue

= V1.3.1 - 15.01.2015 =
* Fix menu alignment issue after updating from v1.2 or below
* Fix horizontal gallery template display issue after updating from v1.2 or below

= V1.3 - 14.01.2015 =
* Add Revolution Slider plugin
* Add new menu layout option
* Add display social profiles as icon option
* Add gallery content support on gallery grid, masonry, wall fixed width and classic templates

* Fix google font shortcake generator issue
* Update theme documentation

= V1.2 - 07.01.2015 =
* Add 500px social profile
* Add hide gallery title option
* Add caption for gallery slideshow content builder module
* Add blog grid module to content builder
* Add portfolio grid module to content builder
* Add portfolio masonry module to content builder
* Add horizontal gallery module to content builder
* Fix mobile scrolling issue on horizontal gallery and fullscreen page

= V1.1 - 04.01.2015 =
* Update possible security issue with theme contact form

= V1.02 - 26.12.2014 =
* Fix map issue on contact page

= V1.01 - 19.12.2014 =
* Add image lightbox support on horizontal gallery page
* Fix comment fields display issue in single post with sidebar 

= V1.0 - 01.12.2014 =
* Initial Release

Veja em Themeforest Preço $59

plugins premium WordPress