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Fotografia de Nápoles WordPress - 1

Fotografia de Nápoles WordPress - 2
Fotografia de Nápoles WordPress - 3

Não sei por onde começar quando se trata de lançar seu Fotografia local na rede Internet? Não poderia haver melhor momento para explorar Tema Nápoles WP. De portfólios a apresentações baseadas em serviços ou produtos, você encontrará mais de 100 páginas projetadas profissionalmente, prontas para personalizar e lançar com rapidez e facilidade.

Registro de alterações do Napoli 2.2.8

    WordPress 6.0 Compatibility.
    Number of Portfolio Column issue resolved.

Registro de alterações do Napoli 2.2.7

    Update demo URLs.
    WordPress 5.8 Compatibility.
    Updated xml path.

Registro de alterações do Napoli 2.1.1

Portfolio single on php 7.2 - fixed

Registro de alterações do Napoli 2.0.5

Instagram images displaying - fixed

Registro de alterações do Napoli 2.0.4

Instagram feed - fixed

Registro de alterações do Napoli 2.0.3

Portfolio list shortcode grid style - fixed

Registro de alterações do Napoli 2.0.2

Theme option: social instagram - fixed
Product: single image - fixed

Registro de alterações do Napoli 2.0.0

NEW page Home Instagramer - added.
NEW page Home Disortion - added.
NEW page Home Kenburn - added.
NEW page Home albums with animation - added.
NEW gallery Parallax page - added.
NEW page Pinterest Portfolio - added.
NEW page About me 2 - added.
NEW page About us 2 - added.
Bugs fixed.

Registro de alterações do Napoli 1.9.0

fix vertical slider
Add min-width to the pricing shortcode
Masonry/Grid gallery on hover has title placeholder
Add 3rd style for FullScreen Slider with title and subtitle
Add social icons to the center menu
Scroll on pop disable grid/masonry
Typography font weight does not work
Typo: Remove Icon (text)
Fix Lazy Load options
Add option on 404 page to select logo
Scroll to Top Icon
Add load more button to Masonry gallery
Revolution Slider
album preview image/portfolio gallery thumbnails size don't work in admin panelMay 

Registro de alterações do Napoli 1.8.0

<h3>Change Log Napoli 1.7.0</h3>
New Homepage: VideoBackground Full Screen
New Homepage: Kenburn full Screen
New Homepage: FullScreen Gallery 
New Pages: Team 
New Pages: Contact 2 
New Pages About Us 3
New Gallery Page: New Gallery Style
Add Option to show Popup or hide the full width on Filmstrip gallery
Add pagination for portfolios (on album 1)
Add Option to deactivate hover on Justified Gallery
Add Cormorant fonts in Typography
Add Option: light on active/dark on hover for Portfolio list shortcode
Add Option to choose 2/3 columns in Portfolio list shortcode
Add Option to show author on the blog post page
Add Cormorant fonts in Typography
Fix Home page with thumbnails animation
Fix Home Vertical Slide
Fix Mobile Menu (edited)
<h3> Change Log Napoli 1.6.5</h3>
Fixed Logo Sizing Issue

<h3> Change Log Napoli  1.6.4</h3>
<em>Make sure to update also the plugin Napoli 1.6.4</em>
1.  Typography for links
2.  Justify Gallery: option to show/hide image title.
3. Option to set up the logo for every page.
4. Option to change the preloader to a logo.
5. Make copyright option to work with no text.
6. HTML editor for Services ShortCode

1. WooCommerce Plugin
2. Shop Style 2, pop up image

<h3> Change Log Napoli 1.6.3</h3>
Fixed Contact Form 
Fixed Arrows for Next and Prev

<h3>Change Log Napoli 1.6.2</h3>
Fixed Bug, once  WooCommerce is desactivated
If you're updating the plugin of > 1.6.1, please remove plugin Justified Gallery

<h3> Change Log Napoli 1.6.1<h3>
Fixed Masonry Style 
Fixed Lazy Load 
Fixed Justified Gallery
Fixed Comming Soon Option 
<h3>Change Log Napoli 1.6.0</h3>
Feature: add collection page
Feature: add flow gallery page
Feature: add slider zoom page
Feature: add style shortcode Team
Feature: add copyright to all page
Feature: add new blog style List
Feature: add option disable preloader
Feature: change color of underline menu
Fix: coming soon on Firefox
Fix: lazy load
<h3>Change Log Napoli v1.5.1</h3>
- add options "Site Logo" for pages;
- add popup for filmstrip slider;
- fix include fonts;
<h3> Changelog Napoli v.1.5.0</h3>
Feature: add infinite gallery homepage
Feature: add filmstrim gallery homepage
Feature: add big gap masonry Homepage
Feature: add split slider homepage
Feature: add creative studio homepage
Feature: add carousel slider homepage
Feature: add portfolio masonry page
Feature: add coming soon page
Feature: add pricing pages
Feature: add pdf download to proof galleries
Fix: video gallery
Fix: attributes woocommerce
Fix: edit frontpage Visual Composer

<h3>Changelog Napoli v1.4.0</h3>
<b>Please make sure that you're removing Napoli Plugin and install it again </b>

- Feature: New Black Version 
- Feature: Video Gallery 
- Fixed: Lunar Plugin  (in order to work, please make sure to remove previous version)

<h3>Changelog Napoli v1.3.0</h3>
<b>Please make sure that you're removing Napoli Plugin and install it again </b>

- Feature: WooCommerce Integration 
- Feature: Create 2 shop styles 
- Feature: Create new homepage FullSCreen Slider
- Feature: Create new HomePage Freelancer
- Feature: Create New Portfolio Style 
- Feature: Create Portfolio Details Design and WordPress
- Feature: Typography Change Menu
- Feature: Create Shortocode for showing all Custom Post Fields 
- Feature: Remove Slug from portfolio item 

- Bug Fixing: Fixing Contact Form 
- Bug Fixing: Fixing Gallery

<h3>Changelog Napoli v1.2.0</h3>
<b>Please make sure that you're removing Napoli Plugin and install it again </b>
Change Log:

- [Feature] add option to setup menu fixed or not fixed Menu.
- [Feature] add all the Google Fonts in the theme Options
- [Feature] add new type of shortcode Gallery
- [Feature] add color options for Gallery
- [Feature] add theme color options
- [Feature] add options change style underline menu item;
- [Fix] fix shortcode "Banner with gallery" 
- [Fix] fix Shortcode About ShortCode  

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plugins premium WordPress