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Aplicativo de notícias para Android - 1

Aplicativo de notícias para Android é um sistema de notícias móvel executado na plataforma Android usada para seu próprio aplicativo de notícias. Desenvolvido com linguagem Java nativa, o aplicativo funciona de forma rápida e suave. Implemento Design de materiais do Google torne o aplicativo bonito em design e experiência do usuário.

Integrado com Painel de administração para gerenciar notícias, categorias, notificações e muito mais a qualquer hora e quando você quiser. Lado do painel de administração desenvolvido usando PHP e banco de dados MySQL.

Código limpo e bom design são a principal prioridade. Ao usar este aplicativo, você pode economizar tempo e dinheiro na criação de um aplicativo para seu próprio aplicativo de notícias móvel nativo.


Aplicativo de demonstração para Android
Aplicativo de notícias para Android - 2

Painel de administração de demonstração
Aplicativo de notícias para Android - 3
Nome de usuário: administrador

Senha: administrador

Aplicativo de notícias para Android - 4

Aplicativo de notícias para Android - 5

Avalie se você gostou

ao comprar este aplicativo, não se esqueça de avaliar se você acha que este aplicativo é útil para você.

O que você ganha:

  • Código-fonte completo do Android (Android Studio)
  • Código PHP completo do lado do servidor
  • Documentação completa com captura de tela

Registro de alterações

Android News App v5.0.0 (10/06/2023)
- Android Studio Flamingo | 2022.2.1 Patch 2
- Android Gradle Plugin (AGP) 8.0.0
- Update New App Design
- Update Gradle distribution url 8.0
- Update dependencies
- Added back Unity Ads
- Add AppLovin Max App Open Ad
- Add AppLovin Discovery Banner MREC Ad (Fill the Native Ad position)
- Add New Wortise Ad Network
- Add Style for Native Ads (Small, Medium, Large)
- Add Report content and comment features
- Add YouTube IFrame Player API
- Remove YouTube Android Player API
- Enable or disable certain ad formats or placements from the admin panel
- Change design of exit dialog with Native Ad supports
- Request notification permission for Android 13 or above

Android News App v4.5.1 (18/10/2022)
- Android Studio Dolphin | 2021.3.1 Patch 1
- Update Gradle 7.3
- Update targetSdkVersion 33
- Add Meta Audience Network - Waterfall (New)
- Add enable/disable news feature from the admin panel
- Fix Ads Sdk issue on Google Play Developer Console
- Fix app crashes when play video from url/direct upload
- Redirect app improvements

Android News App v4.5.0 (26/07/2022)
- Android Studio Chipmunk | 2021.2.1
- Update targetSdkVersion to 32
- Update dependencies
- Add 2 New Ad Networks (Google Ad Manager, IronSource)
- Remove Mopub Ads (has been acquired by AppLovin)
- Remove Unity Ads (caused Google Play Error Message)
- Add option for show news list in larger size programmatically from AppConfig
- Redirect App (if app inactive, suspended, etc)

Android News App v4.4.2 (08/02/2022)
- Android Studio Bumblebee | 2021.1.1 Patch 1
- Add New Ad Network (AppLovin Discovery)
- Add AppLovin MAX Native Ad (Manual)
- Native Ad view UI improvement
- Fix blank page when favorite count more than 6 items

Android News App v4.4.1 (26/12/2021)
- Fix load more function not working on category details
- Fix wrapping text on content description if the text doesn't contain spaces

Android News App 4.4.0
- Android Studio Arctic Fox | 2020.3.1 Patch 4
- update targetSdkVersion 31
- update minSdkVersion 21
- Add Mopub add network
- Add Backup ads feature
- Search history
- Always display Native Ad in larger size (Fix error Native Ad validator)
- Register & Login feature can be enable / disable from the admin panel
- Video menu can be enable / disable from the admin panel
- More apps url can be managed from the admin panel settings menu
- Security improvement by replacing admin panel url with server key in the AppConfig
- Remove AppLovin MREC Ad format (This Ad format doesn't support with bidding)
- Remove Audience Network Waterfall

Android News App 4.3.1
- Android Studio Arctic Fox | 2020.3.1
- Update Gradle 7.0

Android News App 4.3.0
- Built in Android Studio 4.2.2
- Migrate jCenter to mavenCentral
- Update latest gradle & library tools
- Min SDK version 19 (Android KitKat)
- Add in app page for publisher info
- Add New Ad Networks (AppLovin & Unity Ads)
- Audience Network Open Bidding (AdMob & AppLovin)
- Add App Open Ad format for AdMob
- Add News view count
- Add Page for News Publisher Information
- Support custom font
- Fix Native Ad overlapping the content
- Fix cannot play YouTube Video
- Increase / decrease font size in the news description
- Use FCM topic instead recorded token from database (no longer used)
- Multiple delete news in the admin panel

Android News App v4.2.1
- Add option to disable news header in
- Fix deprecated warning when build the project
- Update OneSignal library

Android News App v4.2.0
- Build in latest Android Studio 4.1.0
- Update Gradle 6.5
- Update targetSdkVersion 30
- Replace AdMob smart banner to adaptive banner
- 3 Option Ad Network Providers (AdMob, FAN, StartApp)
- Ad Network is managed from admin panel (Remote Ads)
- YouTube API Key managed from admin panel
- Change database collation from ut8 to utf8mb4 (New Installation)
- Fix failed post comment with special characters
- Fix hyperlink text color in dark mode
- Improved display in RTL mode
- Fix minor bugs

Android News App v4.1.0
- New Dark Mode Added
- Fix security alert from Google Play (caused older OneSignal library)
- Fix some news content disappear when Native Ad is enabled
- Fix previous notifications disappear when receiving new notification
- Fix toolbar title that doesn't change on the home screen

Android News App v4.0.0
- Build in latest Android Studio 3.6.1
- Update to latest Gradle Tools and Library
- UI/UX Design Improvement
- AdMob Native Ad
- Shimmer Effect on Refresh
- Multiple News Image
- Suggested News
- Disable Comment Section (Register/Login)
- Purchase Code verification Improvement

Android News App v3.4.0
- Build in latest Android Studio 3.5.1
- Update to latest Gradle Tools and Library
- Update targetSdkVersion 29
- Migrate to AndroidX
- Fix bugs and performance improvements

Android News App v3.3.0
- Build in latest Android Studio 3.3.0
- Update to latest Gradle Tools and Dependencies Library
- Fix description content that does not appear
- Fix date display that still appears on the video menu list when date display is disabled
- Add close dialog on exit app

Android News App v3.2.0
- Build in latest Android Studio 3.2.1
- Update to latest Gradle Tools and Dependencies Library
- Update targetSdkVersion 28
- Integrated with OneSignal Push Notification
- Fixed Bottom Navigation Menu
- Text selection on news description can be disabled
- Handle to show dialog notification when app is opened
- Handle duplicate token when users re-install the app
- Reduce APK size
- Comment Management & Comment Approval
- Fix Connection time out when sending fcm notification
- Push Notification to open link
- Add new Settings menu for app package name, push notification provider (fcm / onesignal), site protocol, comment approval, onesignal app id & rest api key

Android News App v3.1.0
- Build in latest Android Studio 3.1.3
- Add GDPR
- Fix notification not received on Android O
- Fix force closed issue when opening news details on several devices
- Fix RTL layout in main page
- Fix login problem in the admin panel
- Text selection on news description can be disabled

Android News App v3.0.0 
Important Note : This version as new app and it's not compatible with previous or older version, so, using this latest project and admin panel is mandatory.
New Features and Improvement :
- Build in latest Android Studio 3.1.1
- Update to latest Gradle Tools and Library
- Material Design UI Improvement
- Bring new design with Bottom Navigation
- Implement Retrofit for Rest API
- Add Login & Register
- Add news comment
- Add Load More function
- Youtube and video streaming support
- Support larger data
- FCM notification to open specific news
- Favorite news for offline reading
- Implement Google AdMob according Policy Recommendation
- Interstitial Ad interval
- Easy Way Switch to RTL Mode (for Arabic Language)
- Advanced Search
- Fix NullPointerException
- Remove unused permission in AndroidManifest for policy violation
- Optimized to latest Android O
- Admin Panel UI and feature improvement

Removed features :
- Eclipse Project Removed (Deprecated)
- Onesignal Removed

Android News App v2.4.0
- Build in latest version of Android Studio and Eclipse
- Update additional libraries to the latest version
- Firebase Analytics & Push Notification (Android Studio)
- OneSignal Push Notification (Eclipse)
- Update listview to recyclerview
- Ripple effect on click listener added
- Easy way to enable or disable ads
- Easy way to switch in RTL mode (e.g Arabic Language)
- Fix Admin Panel problem in category selection

Android News App v2.1.0
- RTL Version included
- Add compatibility on Android Marshmallow
- Improvement support for html tag in the news description

Android News App v2.0.0
- Build in latest Android Studio and Eclipse
- Update additional libraries to the latest version
- Swipe Down Refresh Menu
- Google Analytics is Available Now
- Add New Settings Menu in Android App
- Navigation Drawer with Header Image
- New Application Logo
- New Look in News Detail View
- New UI Design for Admin Panel
- Migrate Push Notification from Parse to GCM
- Send Push Notification directly from Admin Panel
- Configuration More Easily
- Fix some minor bugs

Android News App v1.4.1
- Fix app crash issue on tablet devices

Android News App v1.4.0
- Improvement Admin Panel with more user friendly UI
- Fix problem about search menu character
- Add Compatibility for larger device screen size
- Add new navigation drawer menu
- Improvement for Eclipse Project
- Placing AdMob according new Google AdMob Policy Recommendation
- Easy Enable or Disable AdMob and StartApp ads
- Update Support Library

Android News App v1.3.1
- Available for Android Studio Version

Android News App v1.3.0
- Available for No Ads version of Android Source Code
- Improvement of the appearance of the detail news menu

Android News App v1.2.3
- Fix problem AdMob ads don’t want show up
- Fix issue that users can’t change the application package name

Android News App v1.2.2
- Support unicode characters on app news content (Arabic or other language)
- Add new content editor to allow add link, multiple image, etc in news content

Android News App v1.2.1
- Fix Error News List Pagination in Admin Panel

Android News App v1.2.0
- Add Parse Push Notification
- Add Refresh Menu
- Add AdMob Interstitial ads
- Manually Disable/Enable Date Display in News List (Includes in Documentation)

Android News App v1.0.0
- Initial release

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