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MODEZ – Tema Prestashop responsivo com módulos Premium

MODEZ – Tema Premium Responsivo Prestashop 1.7 com Crazy Elements Visual Page Builder, Mega Menu Pro (US$ 70 incluso), Revolution Slider 6 (US$ 40 incluso), Blog (US$ 20 incluso) e Design Customizer Module. É totalmente responsivo e fica ótimo em qualquer dispositivo.

MODEZ - Tema Prestashop responsivo - 1
MODEZ - Tema Prestashop responsivo - 2
MODEZ - Tema Prestashop responsivo - 3
MODEZ - Tema Prestashop responsivo - 4
MODEZ - Tema Prestashop responsivo - 5
tema prestashop responsivo
layout de modez
tema responsivo prestashop
Megamenu Prestashop
controle deslizante de revolução prestashop
contagens regressivas prestashop
tema mais bem avaliado
documentação detalhadasuporte premium gratuito

Modez é um tema colorido, moderno e dinâmico. Ele contém tudo o que você precisa para um negócio de loja online de sucesso. É bom como loja digital, loja de moda, loja de jogos, loja de cosméticos, loja de joias, loja de dispositivos, loja de alimentos ou qualquer outra categoria. Tema multiuso. Fácil instalação com documentação detalhada.

Principais recursos do tema Modez:

  • Tema compatível com Prestashop 1.7
  • Construtor de páginas baseado em Elementor
  • Navegação AJAX na barra lateral
  • Contagem regressiva de preços
  • Layouts de cabeçalhos
  • Adaptado para dispositivos móveis
  • Cores ilimitadas que você pode alterar facilmente com os seletores de cores no módulo Personalizador.
  • O poderoso módulo Customizer permite que você altere o design da sua loja.
  • Layout em caixa / largura total / modo contêiner
  • Banners dinâmicos pode ser colocado em quase todos os lugares. Você pode adicionar título e descrição personalizados – eles serão exibidos ao passar o mouse.
  • Instalação fácil
  • Quatro layouts e designs
  • Prestashop Elementor
  • Arraste e solte o Mega Menu
  • Revolution Slider com incrível editor visual ao vivo e animações ilimitadas
  • Blog inteligente que inclui as últimas notícias na página inicial, categorias do blog, arquivo, postagens populares, postagens recentes, comentários, pesquisa de blog e outros excelentes recursos. (Blog Smart Prestashop da Smartdatasoft)
  • Compatível com todos os dispositivos móveis
  • Compatibilidade do navegador (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Edge, IE11+)
  • Carrosséis de produtos na página inicial e na barra lateral torna sua loja mais interativa!
  • Segunda imagem do produto passando o mouse
  • Carrinho Ajax com mensagem pop-up
  • Contagens regressivas para quedas de preços em todos os lugaresMODEZ - Tema Prestashop responsivo - 6
  • SEO amigável
  • Ajax Live Search com imagens de produtos
  • 3 tipos de aparência de classificação
  • Bloco flutuante do Facebook
  • Suporte de design de checkout OnePage e checkout MultiPage
  • Melhoria no design da escolha dos módulos de pagamento
  • Nome e logotipo do fabricante na página do produto
  • Controle deslizante de preço
  • Adesivo de esgotado para a conveniência dos clientes
  • Carregador fofo (opcional)
  • Mais de 650 fontes do Google gratuitas que você pode escolher no módulo Personalizador
  • Exibição de produtos em grade/lista
  • Google Rich Snippets otimizados
  • Ícone do aplicativo iOS
  • Arquivos PSD, banners e controles deslizantes estão incluídos!
  • Suporte rápido e atualizações regulares gratuitas

Nota: Todos os produtos na visualização ao vivo são produtos DEMO e não têm nomes, fotos e preços reais. Eles não estão incluídos no arquivo do tema e não estão disponíveis para venda real.

Atualiza informações

v.4.3 – 23.03.23 – Atual

- Checkout password eye click collapse section fixed
- List view products container height fixed
- MS Edge eye icon fixed
- Homepage title special symbols fixed
- Update blog templates
- Roy Content wrong banners width on installaion fixed

- Added sticky add to cart option on mobile product page
- Added option to disable quick view icon in Customizer
- Added option to disable select options icon in Customizer
- Update Mega menu pro module
- Update Crazy elements module
- Update Revolution slider module
- Update Smart blog module
- PS8 support


- Add new Mini Notify option for add to cart to Customizer
- Add products price, discound and shipping prices to side cart
- Add font weight setting for prices to Customizer
- Add Strikethrough option for old price on product page to Customizer
- Improve Cart page styles, promo codes and prices

- Update Crazy Elements module to latest version with 3 fixes of known problems
- Fix footer problem when blocks was not able to expand on mobiles
- Fix one column centered footer layout on mobiles
- Fix viewed products slider display on product page
- Change Levibox module translations template
- Fix Roy Content warning on servers with php7.4+
- Fix Levibox glitch on instant window width increase


- Repack demo zip archives
- Delete from cart ajax fix
- Customer templates updates

v.4.1 – 25.10.21

- Prestashop support
- PHP 7.4 support
- Amazing Filter module compatibility
- Separate image layout for product list items in Customizer
- Revolution slider latest version
- Crazy elements latest version
- Mega menu PRO latest version
- Default Prestsahop wishlist module support
- Links list module update compatibility

- Syntax error in Roy Elements module fixed
- Searchbar module new css file compatibility
- Translation of countdown in product list items
- Translation of no products in category 
- Out of stock disabled button instead of label
- Quick view images remove border
- Fix html lang attribute to use the locale instead of ISO code
- Add to cart button on Prestashop
- Shopping cart and Checkout process php 7.4 fix
- Levibox side search products php 7.4 fix
- Fix colorpickers for PS1.7.8.0 in Customizer
- Fix electro demo elementor templates

v.4.0 – 30.08.21

- CRAZY ELEMENTS - Elementor Page Builder
- New Demo ELECTRO
- Mega Menu PRO vertical menu support
- Smart Blog latest version
- Product Comments switch to default module

- Cover image on product page change on switch combinations fixed (PS 1.7.7+)
- H1 tags replaced with H3 in Product sliders on home page
- Removed product names truncate in catalog pages
- Google fonts inclusions replaced with new format
- Quick view design improve
- Styles fixes

! check online documentation if you going to update from 3.4 to 4.0.

v.3.4 – 07.05.20

- Add image zoom by tap for product page on mobiles
- Mega Menu Pro latest version included
- Some design improvements

- Quick search not works on some pages - fixed
- Levibox module translation - remade to new translation system (you will need to retranslate module in back office)
- Tooltip not disappear fixed
- Mobile dropdowns scroll in filters fixed
- Clear button appearance on mobile filter fixed
- Mobile navigation double click problem fixed
- Mobile navigation now moves to top after switch
- Pagination now moves to top after switch
- GDPR checkboxes design fixed everywhere
- Custom.css file work with Smarty cache enabled fixed

v.3.3 – 10.08.19

- Price slider support
- Prestashop support
- Mobile header layouts
- Controls of thumbs on product page
- Roy content hide on desktop

- Mobile menu expand lists fix
- Mobile header less height
- Product page labels display fix
- Roy content hooks
- Left catogires block on mobiles fix
- Fancybox close loader

v.3.2 – 03.04.19

- Contact form send mails fixed
- Quick search results 404 error fixed
- Product page Rich Snippets Rating fixed
- Quick view two add to cart buttons fixed
- Loader not centered fixed
- Radio buttons styles on product page fixed
- Roy content reorder items fixed
- 404 if no products in category fixed

- Cart icon AJAX reload on mobiles and levibox
- Flags on language selector
- Select round/rectangle radio button type for PP
- Mobile menu styles
- 404 page on mobiles
- Styles of Promo code, Upload, Customization

1.6 Version - No Changes.

v.3.1 – 11.10.18

- Ori demo - installation problem when there are no products fixed
- Ori demo - default banners width fixed
- Mobile menu not shows when cache is enabled - fixed
- Out of stock and Select options with products combinations reworked
- Product quantity not changed on combination change - fixed
- Share not works after combination change - fixed
- Quick view icon on product page fixed
- Product reviews updated and reworked on product page
- Smart blog SSl images
- Left column category block on mobiles fixed
- Breadcrumb link to the product itself removed 
- File core.js from included
- Mobile Chrome errors on touch events - fixed
- CMS page images are now responsive
- Translation of Top Cart block tip

1.6 Version - No Changes.

v.3.0 – 22.08.18

What's hot:
- Prestashop 1.7 support (finally!)

What's new in 1.7 version:
- Sidebar navigation
- 4 new modern demos
- Drag and drop Mega Menu module
- New Customizer
- Great mobile adaptation
- Smooth work, native UI, animations

1.6 Version - No Changes.
- New Mobile layout
- 3 layouts of main blocks
- Shadow for main blocks and products
- Blog posts slider on home page
- CSS gradient ability
- Little design improvements

- Product list old price fixed
- Out of stock combination show 'select options' now
- Subscribed message added to newsletter
- Roy Search block added to Modez original
- 5 Headers switcher
- Boxed / Full width layout switcher
- Info panel top/bottom position switcher
- All CSS and JS files now compressed - increase loading speed
- Customizer now remember tab you was on
- Last Revolution slider included
- Last FontAwesome included

- Bug with same font more than one time includes fixed
- Owl carousel crash and js error when one product in carousel - fixed
- View manufacturer products now disabled in quickview - iframe problem fixed
- Product names cutted in column blocks
- Volume Discounts tab on product page - fixed
- Facebook block overlaps fancybox - fixed
- Final menu overlap cartblock - fixed
- Undefined index 'to' on on cateogry and product pages fixed
- Microdata error with two ratings on product page - fixed
- Microdata error with price missing data on category page - fixed
- Microdata error with price validation on product page - fixed
- Review(s) translation on product page fixed
- All social media links now opens in new tab
- Images in blog post are not responsive - fixed
- Smart blog template translation fixed
- Customizer styles changes
- New touchable and responsive product carousels
- Now you can switch between 3/4/5 products in row in category page and in home products
- Translations from modez users added (Spanish, French, Italian, Polish, Dutch, Russian, Portuguese, Suomi, Slovenian)
- Close/open togglers on filter module sections
- Customer message added to one page checkout
- Revolution slider update (last version with timelines and other features)
- Documentation of revolution slider and final menu updated

- Blog posts grid repaired
- Normal text-transform in Customizer instead of Lowercase.
- Product image thumbnails height fix
- Filter block - click on labels now works properly
- Filter block - click on selectors now works properly
- Manufacturer page pagination appearance
- Countdown extra zeros fixes
- SSL problem with icons fixed
- Apple icon is now removed
- Favicon display fixed
- Top horizontal menu is now default after new installation
- Price drops home carousel icon display fixed
- Smart blog reply section and search translations fixed
- Prestashop optimization
- New Premium mega menu module - FINAL Menu
- New Roy Specials Block module
- Countdowns for special prices everywhere
- Specials Carousel on home page
- Import/Export config in Customizer module
- Uppercase/Capitalize choice added for all elements
- Google Rich Snippets upgrade - Product list and Product page perfect microdata!

- Carousels controls fixed for Prestashop
- Price filter of layered navigation block fixed for Prestashop
- RoyBrands block optimized for Prestashop
- Rating and reviews on compare page fixed
- Product names truncate in Same category and Crossseling modules increased
- Fixed bug with old price display when no price drop
- Order condição color in order details fixed
- New Layout: Delicate - boxed, centered logo, light, clean.
- New Layout: Ultimate - centered logo, intensive colors, dark menu.
- Manufacturer name and logo on product page
- New rating display - 3 types of appearance
- Custom CSS in Customizer Module
- Relative menu on mobiles
- iOS App icon
- Accessories add to cart button fixed
- Same category and cross selling carousels width fixed
- Navigation layered block price filter for Prestashop
- RoyBrands module CSS appearance of 2.1 new installation fixed
- Submenu size not depends now on main menu font size
- Search block CSS of digital 2.1 new installation fixed
- Cart block CSS of original 2.1 new installation fixed
- Product page downloads tab appearance fixed
- Many little fixes
- Appearance of payment methods improved
- Customizer new option with long prices on product page appearance
- Customizer new option with attributes align on product page
- Customizer new option with category image/description appearance
- Open Graphs tags improved
- Google Rich Snippets improved
- Column cart block support
- Ul, Ol support in full description on product page
- Infopanel now stretches to any height
- Top horizontal menu bug when clicking on submenu in Chrome fixed
- Facebook block wrong appearance
- Firefox header appearance fixed
- Crosseling and Same category carousles controls fixed
- Home products carousels doesn't have fixed height now
- PayPal orange buttons override normal css fixed
- Safari controls of revolution slider position fixed
- Layred navigation block labels align fixed
- Customizer infopanel 4 icons upload fixed
- Print and send to friend icons on product page fixed
- Android last versions appearance improved
- Few small issues fixed
New features:
- Sticky menu (Optional)
- Second Image on mouse over (Optional)
- Cute Loader (Optional)
- Sold Out sticker
- Cross Selling support on product page
- Same category support on product page
- Subcategories support on category page
- All auto-scroll carousels now stops on mouse over
- Documentation improved
Fixed bugs:
- Product discount in units appearance fixed
- Home products carousels with long names fixed
- Roy Brands module css include fixed
- Product list Show All button fixed
- Product Tabs appearance fixed
- JS load error after newsletter subscribe fixed
- Roy Info Block work with multistore fixed
- Google rich snippets correct rating display
- Translation problems New Products, Best sellers, etc. fixed

v.2.0 – 04.11.14

v.1.4 – 02.10.14

- Add to cart button problem in product page fixed (Product not found fix)
- Firefox carousel's controls underline fixed
- Fixed separators appear of last item in category block
- Product Customization tab on product page support
- Product name line height in product page fixed
- Page title margins optimized
- Submenu box expand on mobile fixed


- Breadcrumb appearance has been fixed
- Top Horizontal Menu: Submenu popup appearance effect improved
- Homepage Carousels: Pause and transition times changes for perfomance improvement.


- Little improvements and fixes. Header layout improved - now it stretches to any logo's height


- Small bugs fixed.

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