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Neon - Tema Admin Bootstrap - 1Neon - Tema Admin Bootstrap - 2Neon - Tema Admin Bootstrap - 3Neon - Tema Admin Bootstrap - 4

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Néon – é um modelo de administração plana para uso multiuso criado com o Bootstrap 3.3.5.

Ele contém mais de 112 arquivos HTML que oferecem uma grande variedade de opções de layout e recursos, e será estendido nas futuras atualizações com novos plugins e páginas.

Agora você pode comprar Licença Estendida de Neon com 33% de descontoeste é o preço mais barato que você pode encontrar na categoria Admin do Themeforest!

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Como alguém que geralmente evita modelos devido à sua codificação horrível e inutilidade, este foi uma surpresa absoluta. Codificado de forma limpa, estável, confiável e, o mais importante, muito flexível. Ainda não encontrei um único bug CSS/JS que me surpreendeu, praticamente todos os códigos que coloco nele funcionam como um encanto. Altamente recomendado!

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Este tema é extremamente grande em muitos aspectos. Consegui personalizá-lo facilmente e meu cliente também está feliz. Claro, eu recomendo Neon.

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Este é de longe o melhor modelo de administração atualmente no themeforest.

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O template mais lindo e completo que já comprei!

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Tema maravilhoso… que já conheci!

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Fantástico, e quando o site estiver pronto pagaremos com prazer a Taxa Estendida

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Ótimo tema, bem desenhado e codificado. Boas atualizações.

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Tudo é ótimo, o código, design, flexibilidade, sem arrependimentos de comprá-lo.

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Muito fluido, funcional e fácil de estender. Suporte muito bom.

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É um grande prazer para mim trabalhar no seu código. Muitos exemplos bem documentados e muito bem implementados, código limpo … etc, este tema se paga após a primeira hora de trabalho!

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Molde incrível! Tem de tudo um pouco e é um layout bacana e fácil de trabalhar.

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Este tema parece ótimo e funciona muito bem. E o mais importante, é fácil de ajustar e mudar.

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Ótimo tema e ótimo suporte. Você não precisará mais de nenhum outro modelo!

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Tudo está nele

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Tudo incrível, modelo e codificação.

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— Versão 2.0

        Now you can buy Extended License of Neon with 33.3% discount, this is cheapest -
        price you can find on the Admin category of Themeforest!

        IMPORTANT FIX: Compatibility with Safari 9.x on El Capitan and iOS9 added

        ADDED: Bootstrap 3.3.5 Support
        ADDED: Better organized less files, moved to assets/less/ folder.
        ADDED: Favicon.ico added in header of each file
        ADDED: Retina ready images added to whole pages
        ADDED: Git repository changes

        UPDATE: Bootstrap updated to v3.3.5
        UPDATE: jQuery updated to latest version v1.11.3
        UPDATE: DataTables updated to v1.10.9
        UPDATE: GSAP Animation Library updated to latest version v1.18.0
        UPDATE: HTML5shiv updated to latest version v3.7.2
        UPDATE: moment.js library updated to latest version v2.10.6
        UPDATE: jQuery Validate library updated to v1.14.0
        UPDATE: jQuery Knobs library updated to v1.2.11
        UPDATE: FontAwesome updated to v4.4
        UPDATE: Input Mask updated v3.2.2

        FIX: Top menu in mobile devices
        FIX: Neon Chat API issues with its own API
        FIX: Menu break on different viewports (mostly on iPad)
        FIX: Menu items that have submenus now have "has-sub" class
        FIX: Tile boxes in dashboard not aligned properly in mobile screens
        FIX: Reported responsive issues on all pages
        FIX: Forgot password form not allowing two (or more) dots after @ character

— Versão 1.8

        ADDED: FullCalendar version 2.3.2 (extra-calendar-2.html)
        ADDED: Detailed comments which scripts are included in pages 
        ADDED: New skin added (skins-facebook.html)

        FIX: Cleaner HTML content and correctly indented with tabs
        FIX: Rebuild of core layout with pure CSS, doesn't need the JS to set the height anymore
        FIX: When using fixed sidebar the browser outline is removed
        FIX: Horizontal menu not showing properly in fixed mode (perspective issues)
        FIX: Improved animation performances
        FIX: Overall theme polishing (CSS + JavaScript)

        UPDATE: Updated scripts: Select2 (3.4.5 -> 3.5.2), jQuery Validate (1.11.1 -> 1.13.1),
        jQuery Transit (0.9.9 -> 0.9.12)

— Versão 1.7.2

        FIX: Datepicker in Dropdown Modal now its visible on the layer

— Versão 1.7.1

        FIX: Fixed sidebar issue window height

— Versão 1.74

        ADDED: Boxed Layout support
        ADDED: Members page (extra-members.html)
        ADDED: Comments page (extra-comments.html)
        ADDED: New post page (extra-new-post.html)
        ADDED: Settings page (extra-settings.html)
        ADDED: Nested list plugin (extra-nestable.html)
        ADDED: File tree plugin (extra-file-tree.html)
        ADDED: Progress indicator (extra-load-progress.html)
        ADDED: New front-end mobile menu

        FIX: Better organized assets files

— Versão 1.6

        ADDED: Tabs in XS mode will display icons instead of text (ui-tabs-accordions.html)

        FIX: Group tile with stats now its properly aligned, Firefox background tiles that are 
        pushed little lower (ui-tiles.html)
        FIX: When opening modals will not bounce the page content container (ui-modals.html)
        FIX: (CSS) IE fixes
        FIX: RTL logo on Navbar
        FIX: Front-end carousel issue in Safari
        FIX: $.noConflict() - Neon will no longer have issues with this declaration
        FIX: (CSS) DataTable width when sidebar is collapsed/expanded
        FIX: (CSS) DataTable Rows per page broken width
        FIX: Modals not opening in firefox (ui-modals.html)

        ADDED: Tabs will have icons in responsive (XS-mode, file: ui-tabs-accordions.html)

— Versão 1.5.1

        FIX: Fixed CSS Issues
        FIX: Data folder missing

— Versão 1.5.0

        ADDED: Front-end Interface
        ADDED: Neon is now upgraded to Bootstrap 3.1
        ADDED: Full RTL Support
        ADDED: Sidebar position on the right (+Chat left)
        ADDED: CSS files are now separated into groups for to decrease load size
        ADDED: 10 new PSD files
        ADDED: New Dashboard Page (dashboard-3.html)

        FIX: Firefox issues fixed

— Versão 1.1.4

        ADDED: Register form page (extra-register.html)
        ADDED: Forgot password form page (extra-forgot-password.html)
        ADDED: Login form processing with PHP (extra-login.html and data/sample-login-form.php)
        ADDED: Search Result page added (extra-search.html)
        ADDED: UIKit Markdown editor (forms-wysiwyg.html)
        ADDED: iCheck replacement for radio buttons and checkboxes (forms-icheck.html)
        ADDED: Language select bar
        ADDED: Input spinner (forms-advanced.html)
        ADDED: Alternative Social networks login buttons on Login page (extra-login.html)

        FIX: Time picker in popup not showing the time popup selector
        FIX: Sidebar issue "Flash of unstyle content" 
        FIX: Fixed Sidebar page, collapsed sidebar menu hover don't work
        FIX: Fixed lot of reported CSS incosistencies
        FIX: Fixed collapsing effect with tables as panel body
        FIX: Chat conversation, auto-close when collapsing chat container

        UPDATE: jQuery updated to latest public version

— Versão 1.1.3

        ADDED: Theme Skins are now supported! Available skins: Blue, Red, Green, Purple, Black, 
        White, Yellow, Cafe
        ADDED: DataTables examples: Filtering Columns, Data Exporting, Responsive Data Tables
        ADDED: Image Crop plugin is now added - See extra-image-crop.html
        ADDED: 3 PSD files are included in extra/ folder

— Versão 1.1.2

        ADDED: Profile Page added (extra-profile.html)
        ADDED: Timeline - vertical left aligned (extra-timeline.html)
        ADDED: Responsive tables (tables-main.html)

        FIX: Charts page will not render properly the profile notification tooltips.
        FIX: Improved Retina Support for logos and images

— Versão 1.1.1

        ADDED: Gallery Albums Page (extra-gallery.html)
        ADDED: Gallery Album Single Page (extra-gallery-single.html)

— Versão 1.1.0

        ADDED: User Info on Sidebar + Popup Menu
        ADDED: Notes Page functionality added on extra-notes.html - You can save notes. 
        Handle file assets/js/neon-notes.js

        FIX: WYSIHTML5 editor - text colors now are applied properly. 
        Attribute [data-stylesheet-url] solves this.
        FIX: Sliders (forms-sliders.html) are now compatible with Touch Devices.

— Versão 1.0.2

        FIX: Calendar Week and Day Agenda not styled properly

— Versão 1.0.1

        FIX: Overall fixes and improvements
        FIX: Fail-safe page transitions are added.
        ADDED: Modals are now shown in better way (ui-modals.html)
        ADDED: Dropzone now shows info for uploaded files (forms-file-upload.html)

— Versão 1.0

        Initial Release

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Veja em Themeforest Preço $25

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