Veja em CodeCanyonPreço $49

Nota: este post tem links de afiliados. Ao clicar e fazer compras ganhamos comissões. Obrigado!

Nota: Este não é um aplicativo de vibração independente. Este aplicativo flutter está disponível apenas para cms de comércio eletrônico ativo. Se você ainda não comprou o Active eCommerce CMS, clique aqui para comprar

E-mail de demonstração:

Senha de demonstração: 123456

Como funciona?

  • O cms de comércio eletrônico ativo deve estar pré-instalado em seu servidor
  • Compre o aplicativo ECommerce Flutter para cms de comércio eletrônico ativo do codecanyon
  • Configure seu aplicativo Flutter e faça upload para Play Store ou App Store
  • Está feito!

Aplicativo Flutter de comércio eletrônico ativo - 1
Aplicativo Flutter de comércio eletrônico ativo - 2

Aplicativo Flutter de comércio eletrônico ativo - 3

Aplicativo Flutter de comércio eletrônico ativo - 4
Aplicativo Flutter de comércio eletrônico ativo - 5
Aplicativo Flutter de comércio eletrônico ativo - 6
Aplicativo Flutter de comércio eletrônico ativo - 7
Aplicativo Flutter de comércio eletrônico ativo - 8
Aplicativo Flutter de comércio eletrônico ativo - 9
Aplicativo Flutter de comércio eletrônico ativo - 10
Aplicativo Flutter de comércio eletrônico ativo - 11
Aplicativo Flutter de comércio eletrônico ativo - 12
Aplicativo Flutter de comércio eletrônico ativo - 13
Aplicativo Flutter de comércio eletrônico ativo - 14
Aplicativo Flutter de comércio eletrônico ativo - 15
Aplicativo Flutter de comércio eletrônico ativo - 16
Aplicativo Flutter de comércio eletrônico ativo - 17

versão: 4.4.0 (20/11/2023)

- Added Payfast payment gatewa

versão: 4.3.0 (10/09/2023)

-  Added Aamarpay Payment Gateway

versão: 4.2.0 (10/01/2023)

- Showing all coupon list
- Invoice download option is added in order detail page
- Added PDF specification option in product detail page
- Compatible with Active eCommerce CMS version 7.9.1

versão: 4.1.0 (28/08/2023)

- Reorder option is given
- Now customers can input the quantity in product description before adding to cart
- From now on auction bided list is sowing
- From now on, purchased auction products are shown
- After registration on the verification page, customer now get an option to logout
- Bug fixing
  - Cart system
  - Currency did not change properly now fixed
  - "On Delivery" delivery condição is now changed with "On the Way" 
  - Set proper alignment of product description in product detail page

versão: 4.0.0 (20/07/2023)

- Maintenance mode option is added
- Instamojo payment gateway system is added
- An option to cancel an order is provided in the order detail page
- Estimated shipping time is now shown in product detail page
- Unit option is now shown on the product detail page
- Bug fixing
   - Social login with Facebook option is fixed for the iOS app 

versão: 3.9.0 (06/12/2023)

- Upgraded Flutter version to 3.10.4 with null safety 

versão: 3.8.0 (25/05/2023)

- Upgrade Flutter SDK version to 3.7.12
- Wholesale products option given
- Bug fixing
   - Khalti payment gateway issue solved
   - The problem with showing the seller option despite turning off the vendor system has been resolved.

versão: 3.7.0 (04/11/2023)

- Improvements
    - Multi-currency option has now been added
    - Add Google reCAPTCHA
    - Added Khalti payment gateway
    - Follow seller option
- Bug fixing
    - Coupon issue solved
    - Download digital product issue solved

versão: 3.6.0 (13/03/2023)

- Improvements
    - From now customer can bid auction product if Auction addon installed
    - Flat button now converted with Text button
    - Button with image is changed for Apple sign in
    - Now enabled country will be shown in registration page for phone code
    - Use tokenized option for Bkash payment gateway as per their documentation
- Bug fixing
    - Removed today's deal and flash deal menu if no data available
    - Product wise cash on delivery option now implemented in checkout process

versão: 3.5.0 (01/02/2023)

- Compatible with Active eCommerce 6.5.0 & Club point Add-on 1.6 (Deduct the converted club point for refund item)

versão: 3.4.0 (18/12/2022)

- Play store Package Permission and Files Access issue solved

versão: 3.3.0 (12/05/2022)

- Apple login implemented
- Digital products are now avaialble in mobile APP & customers can download directly from APP
- Classified products are now shown in mobile APP
- Customer package added for classified products
- Account delete option implemented for customer in the system
- Check ban/unban option for customer
- Bug Fixing
    - Google sign-in in iOS issue solved
    - Pickup point issue solved

versão: 3.2.0 (29/08/2022)

- Improvements of shipping procedure
- Can edit phone number from profile
- Compatible with Active eCommerce version 6.2.0

versão: 3.1.0 (14/08/2022)

- Add cart counter
- Add terms and conditions option in signup page
- Upgrade to new UI
- Solve Firebase push Notification issue.
- Add discount badge in all products list
- Add all products in home page.

versão: 3.0 (14/06/2022)

- Upgradded to flutter 3.0.2

versão: 2.5 (06/09/2022)

- Bug Fixing
    - Multi-language bug fix
- Improvements
    - Enable/disable option checking on signup mail verification 
    - Enable/disable option checking on seller converstion system

versão: 2.4 (18/04/2022)

- Mobile app seller policy issue solved
- Security issue for social login
- Google sign in issue
- Bulk upload issue

versão: 2.3 (03/03/2022)

- Numeric format for product price fixed
- Firebase white screen fixed
- Cart summary issue fixed

versão: 2.2 (02/10/2022)

- Twitter Login
- App default Language
- Wallet recharge via offline payment
- Minor bug fixing

versão: 2.1 (01/04/2022)

- Pickup point option added
- Business settings autoloading on app-starting
- Social login issues fixed for facebook and google
- Login in persistence isssue is fixed
- Embedding warning is fixed
- Signup page translation issues is fixed
- Code refactored for re-usablility

versão: 2.0 (11/01/2021)

- Upgraded to Flutter 2.5.2
- Multi-language feature with RTL
- API response caching
- Other Bug Fixes

versão: 1.8 (22/09/2021)

- Offline Payment Add-on is added.*
- Flutterwave Payment Gateway.*
- Paytm Payment Gateway.*
- Infinite Product Scrolling on home screen.
- Multiple Seller Products Checkout at a time.
- Video Description available on product details page.
- Search Suggestion available on filter page.
- Photos can be zoomed and rotated on product details screen.
- Shipping Calculation issues fixed
- Other Bug Fixes

versão: 1.7 (21/08/2021)

- Discounted price
- Social media sharing
- Club point addon support
- Refund addon support
- Product and seller filter improvement
- Variant wise image for products 

versão: 1.6 (08/06/2021)

- Google maps integrated.
- User can search and pin specific location in address.
- Firebase push notification added on background and forground

versão: 1.5 (20/06/2021)

- Iyzico payment gateway
- Paystack payment gateway
- Bug fixes

versão: 1.4 (02/06/2021)

- Social login with facebook,google and twitter integrated
- Seller chat implemented
- Bug fixes

versão: 1.3 (05/12/2021)

- SSLcommerz, Bkash, Nagad payment gateways
- Bug fixing

versão: 1.2 (20/04/2021)

- Product review
- Profile editing and change password option
- Profile picture upload from app
- Separate addresses page
-  Default address feature
- Razorpay payment gateway

versão: 1.0 (04/04/2021)

- Initial release

Veja em CodeCanyonPreço $49

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